Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Where has the time gone??

I know it's been awhile, yet again, since I've been here to write. I could blame it on being busy and the little one taking up my time. But, the truth is...I haven't had much to say. Our days have been pretty monotonous and I'm sure nobody wants to hear the in depth details of every feeding and diaper change.

However, things are going to be picking up again. Sebastian will be 6 weeks on Friday. SIX WEEKS. I can hardly believe it. It seems like just yesterday I was posting my first bump picture on here. seems like just yesterday that I was throwing birth control out the window and jumping on the TTC train. I can't believe it's been nearly a year since we found out we were having a baby. And, here it is...6 weeks old already. He'll be starting daycare on Monday. My heart is torn about this.

I know that daycare will be good for him. He'll get used to other people...other kids. He'll have a little bit of structure to his day. As he gets older, he'll have friends. I know it'll be good for me, too. To have some adult interaction at be someone other than "mommy" for a bit. But I am so sad to not be at home with him...rocking him to sleep for his naps. Giving him his bottle. Singing and dancing with him around the house. And, I know how kids in daycare catch every little thing that goes around. Monday is going to be a very hard day for sure. I'm not really looking forward to it at all.

Friday is going to be an interesting day. I'll have my 6 week postpartum check up. Hopefully I'll be cleared for exercise among other things. I'm feeling pretty crappy about my body these days and hate not being able to do something about it. I went shopping today for clothes to wear to work. I had absolutely nothing that fit. Not even shoes...I was one of the "lucky" ones whose feet grew during pregnancy. Yay. If you think standing under florescent lighting is rough, try doing it with deep purple stretch marks and a poochy post baby belly that has some questionable skin puckering going on. Yeah...covering it up with new clothes didn't make that any better. In fact, as the number on the tag rose with each garment and my hopes of being anywhere near my pre-baby size going down... it was downright miserable. I have to try on EVERYTHING since I have no clue what size I am. Ironically enough...the only jeans I have that fit are my skinny jeans and a pair of jeans that belonged to my friend's teenage daughter. I'm not sure what twisted universe I stepped into, but here I am. God, I hope the Doc says I can hit the gym. I may not be able to get rid of the stretch marks, but by damn, I'm going to have washboard abs. Or something like that.

Back to things you'd rather read about. Sebastian started smiling recently. Real smiles...not the smiles that come during a bout of gas. He's also moved right out of newborn clothes and is pounding his way through 0-3 month. I'll never forget the first time I realized he was actually getting bigger. I tried to put a sleeper on him that he had worn just a few days prior...and his FEET wouldn't fit the footie part! It was a sad moment for me. But, also a proud moment. I know...that sounds weird but there are many moments like that when you become a mom. It's a huge mind twist. I teared up a bit putting away his newborn wardrobe but I look forward to the cute things in the next size group. He had a doctor appointment last Monday at 1 month and a day. He weighed in at 10lbs, 11oz. I'm betting he is well over 11 pounds at this point. He is going through a growth spurt and eating a TON. He's already grown about an inch in length since birth. Maybe measuring technique wasn't quite the scientific method they use at the hospital. He is also following objects with his eyes and focusing a bit. Oh, and he is starting to recognize voices of people other than R and I. He recognizes Nana's voice when she calls and smiles so big.

He is my sweet angel and I can't get over how amazing he is and how much more I love him with each day. The day he was born, I couldn't imagine loving him anymore than I did at that moment. I was is possible to love him even more.

Sorry it took so long to get these updates and thoughts to you, but hopefully I'll have more to talk about in the coming days. I will try to check back on Friday after my appointment to let y'all know if we're a "Go" for Operation Sexy Back (yeah...I went there) or if I'm locked down for awhile more. Until then...I'm snuggling my boy and trying to savor these last few days home with him.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder, right?

I know it's been a couple of weeks, but I have a perfectly valid excuse. Turns out, once family leaves and it's just you and the Kidlet at home alone, time isn't exactly on your side. Babies sleep a LOT, but the increments they sleep in aren't exactly conducive to productivity. I change him, feed him, burp him, and rock him back to sleep and he sleeps just long enough for me to choose to do one of the following:

Make a phone call

Just one of those. There is never time to do all or even 2 of those things. I must choose between ONE. Blogging tends to take a backseat to say...eating or sleeping. Except tonight. I should have gone to sleep awhile ago when S went down. But I didn't...and now, it's too late. If I turn off the lamp and the tv and shut down my eyes will close just in time to hear him stir. Or scream. Whatever.

So, instead, I'm taking the time to touch base. Fill you guys in on the world as I know it now. Clearly, I smell, am sleep deprived, my house is a wreck and I'm starving. Okay...I really don't smell. I did shower tonight.

I wish I could say that we're settling into a routine, but that's a lie. Newborns don't "do routines" I have gathered. No, they like to call the shots. Mix it up on you. He is going through a growth spurt right now. Again. So, whereas previously 5-6oz of formula would net me at least 3 hours, sometimes 2 depending on how active we were being, now he'll eat a couple of ounces, pass out, and then be back up 30 minutes later screaming for more. *sigh*

Speaking of formula, I quit breastfeeding a week ago. It was just too much to get used to a baby and I alone in the house and he was cluster feeding so I couldn't do anything. I couldn't go to the bathroom, couldn't get up to get anything to eat or drink. He would eat for an hour to an hour and a half and then 10 minutes later be ready to go again. So, I made the move to exclusively formula feeding. I have really struggled with that decision. I feel like I have failed as a mom in so many ways. My rational brain says that's ridiculous, but the mommy guilt is strong in this one and I can't seem to shake the feeling that I gave up too soon. I'm working on re-establishing my supply so that we can try again, but I'm also struggling with THAT decision. Do I just get over my own hang-ups regarding formula and let my kid get fed the easiest and fastest way...or do I give him what is supposedly "best" for him even if that means a few more weeks of stress and adjustment for both of us? I am kicking myself for giving up. If I had stuck it out, at this point we would have been through the hardest part. But, now it feels like we're back to square one.

I really don't have much more to say right now. The haze is starting to set in on my eyes, so I'm going to try to sleep. Even if only for 5 minutes before he wakes again...perhaps soon I can get back here and finish my thoughts.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Parenthood: The First Week

*Disclaimer: This post contains some graphic content on account of it being a story about the after effects of childbirth. Read on at your own risk.

Well, Sebastian is now 8 days old. It's hard to believe a week has already passed since bringing my beautiful son into this world. It's been a whirlwind of an adventure. There is so much that people don't tell you about the first days of motherhood. There are a ton of obstacles to overcome, adjustments to be made, and tears to be had. But, on the same token, there are so many moments of awe and joy and just profound love for someone you created.

We've had our challenges. Breastfeeding for one. I spent my first night at home crying hysterically with Sebastian as we tried and failed time and time again to get him to eat. His progress at the hospital seemed to be like stayed there as we drove off into the sunset. Over the first few days at home, I seriously doubted my ability to feed my child. He would scream and push away while simultaneously trying to find my breast and eat. Once he would finally latch, he would nurse for about 10 minutes and then fall asleep. How on earth was he supposed to be full after only 10 minutes! I had an 8 pound baby. He was supposed to be hungry and eat for an hour in my eyes. My nipples hurt terribly due to the first days of learning to latch and every feeding was a nightmare of searing pain while I tried to fight through it for the sake of feeding him. Finally, we decided to supplement with formula. Neither of us were making any progress with me being stressed out about his feeding schedule. After that first bottle or two, things started to level out and he even started seeking out the breast on his own accord. I cried with relief and pride that night. We're still supplementing with formula but he gets way more nursing sessions than bottle sessions at this point and he doesn't seem to have any bit of nipple confusion or milk confusion. It's nice having he best of both worlds.

Before experiencing childbirth firsthand, I thought for sure that my recovery would be somewhat easy. I expected some pain, but not the level that I have had. Nobody tells you that the area the baby actually comes out of doesn't hurt. Noooo... it's the other side. The backside. Or the Dark Side as I like to think of it. And, unfortunately, everything you do is connected to your ass. Coughing, sneezing, laughing, puking, etc. Sitting is torture, walking makes you want to vomit, and going to the bathroom...well, let's just say my first time I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. I'd have a good day or two and then I'd have a setback. I know my recovery is a little more difficult than it would have otherwise been if not for the 4th degree tear. However, this past week has had me doubting future children. I hope I do forget the painful parts, because it's not something I'm anxious to do again. Not anytime soon.

It seems like it's been an awful first week... and it's true. Some parts have been positively horrid. But, every time I look into Sebastian's eyes...even as he's murdering my's all worth it. He is healthy and happy and is a wonderful baby. He sleeps through the night fairly well...only waking once or twice to get changed and eat and then he goes back down. I know that'll change once the newborn sleepiness wears off, but for now it is nice. He had his first pedi appointment yesterday and got a good bill of health. And, he's gaining weight nicely, so I'm not nearly as stressed about his feeding anymore. (Of course, today, he started cluster feeding every 2 hours for about an hour at at time...he's on his way to being a chunker, I'm sure.)

Having my family here has been a Godsend. I could not have done it without my mom, dad, sister and aunt. They have been here to help me through the learning curve. Yes, there is a certain level of maternal instinct that we have as mothers, but it is so easy to second guess yourself and doubt yourself. I have to remember that I truly do know what's best for him, but it's so hard when the nurses and doctors pump you full of textbook information. The truth is...there are no textbooks that can tell you how to parent. You have to rely on your instincts...but it's helpful to have family around to remind you that you are doing a good job and making all the right decisions.

I will admit, that even though I swore I wouldn't be...I'm super paranoid. Having my mom here at night is the only way I've been able to sleep this week. Otherwise, I'd be up all night long staring at him...making sure he's still breathing. I'm terrified inside sometimes, and I'm trying to control that. I know it's all in God's hands and that my baby will be just fine, but it's hard not to worry myself sick about him. It sounds so cliche but it really is incredible just how much I love him. He is my greatest achievement.

Right now, he is sleeping next to me...full from his bottle. His little hands curled up under his chin... and my heart melts. I'm trying to savor these little moments. Even though I'm in pain, tired, and a little scared...I know I can't get them back and they are more precious to me than anything in the world. I'm off to stare at my angel sleeping.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome to the World, Sebastian!!

Note: I originally posted this on my birth club message board, so some of the terms/abbreviations may not be familiar. DH is Dear Husband, LO is Little One. Baby AB is the name I've used for the little guy on the board since my initials are AB. Anyway, Here is the birth story for Sebastian. It's long but is labor.

On Wednesday, September 5th, I had my 40 week appointment where the OB and I decided that if Baby AB didn't come on his own, we'd induce on Thursday, September 13th. This was provided he pass another NST on September 11th otherwise, we'd induce that day. OB stripped my membranes and said if it were going to work, it'd be that day.

I went home and told DH about the plan. All afternoon, I showed no signs of labor and woke up without a baby that next day. Thursday morning, I got a call from my parents saying they were coming early and would be here Saturday evening. (They live 20 hours away and were driving up) I called DH and let him know and he told me that he had been thinking about it and would rather me be induced on Saturday because of the risks involved in going past 41 weeks. I agreed and called the doctor and scheduled my induction for Saturday, September 8th.

We called our friends and family and told them what was going on so that they would know. All the while DH was commenting that it would be cool if he came on is own on the 7th. (Our anniversary is 11/7 and my parents is 3/7...7 has pretty special meaning to us) However, I knew how stubborn LO was going to be and told him not to count on it.

We went to bed that night around 10pm. I, as usual, got out of bed around 11pm and hung around the living room fighting heartburn. I finally went to bed around 1am feeling pretty bummed that I STILL was showing no signs of labor. (I had secretly wanted DH to be right. lol)

I woke up at 4:45am to roll over (yes, I had to actually wake myself up to hoist my big ass to the other side.) As I rolled over, I felt a gush of fluid. I immediately jumped out of bed, successfully avoiding AF all over our sleep number mattress. I ran to the bathroom and sat on the toilet as fluid poured out. (Awesome mental image, huh? Sorry, ladies)

At that point, I was simultaneously excited and scared shiitless. This was IT. I cleaned myself up, and woke DH to let him know my water broke but that I was going to take a shower and he could sleep a few minutes longer. After my shower, I woke him up and we proceeded to get our stuff together and get ready to head to the hospital. In the meantime, my contractions started. The first couple were not bad...pretty much the same kind as the "are they or aren't they" cramps I'd had for a couple of weeks. By 6am, they were full blown, one minute apart and very intense.

We loaded up and headed to the hospital...stopping at Dunkin Donuts for donuts for the nurses. While DH was inside getting the donuts, I decided, I was getting the epidural. I had been positive I could handle it and get through med free, but these contractions were a nightmare.

We arrived at the hospital at 6:30am and got checked in. I was at 3cm and 80% effaced and still contracting every minute. I had wanted to wait awhile longer to get my epi, but since there were several c-sections on the docket for the morning, I opted to go ahead and get it rather than be forced to wait hours.

Let me tell you...BEST decision I have ever made. Ladies that go natural...I salute you. I am NOT the bad ass I thought I was. lol... In the 45 minutes it took to get me checked in and get the epi placed, I had progressed to 4cm and was at -1 station. This was at 7:15am. I had worried that the epi would slow my progress and that I'd be started on Pit, but we watched the contractions on the screen stay at 2-3 minutes apart.

I was checked again at 1:30pm and was at 9cm and 0 station. At 4, they checked and I was 10cm but they wanted me to wait to push until I labored him down a bit more.

I started pushing at 5:05 and pushed for 3 hours. The OB that was on call was convinced that I needed Pit, but my nurse kept stalling him saying I didn't need it, as I was laboring fine on my own. DH was amazing this whole time. He was helping me push, coaching me, counting me down, and just being right there for whatever I needed.

The OB finally let me know that LO's head was stuck under my pubic bone and that in order to get him out, he would need to use the forceps to deliver him. By this point, I just wanted him out, so I agreed to the use of forceps. DH watched the whole process go down. lol...I always imagined he would stay at my head and not want to see anything but he watched the entire thing and the only part that actually got to him was the episiotome.

Finally, at 7:45pm, Sebastian Floyd was born at 8lbs, 1oz and 21.25 inches long. He is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. Looks exactly like his daddy and has a head FULL of dark hair.

I had some minor damage...4th degree tear and the episiotome. It took the doc about an hour and a half to get me all sewn up and ready to go.

Sebastian and I have had a few breastfeeding challenges, but I think we're on a good track and he's been eating very well in the last few days. I love him so much and just can't wait to watch him grow.

I will say that pretty much everything in my birth "plan" went out the window from the beginning, but none of that bothered me. I had the exact birth that was needed to get him here safely and that's what I needed. And, again...thank GOD for the epi...even if I could have handled the contractions, I couldn't have done the pushing and delivery without it. lol...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Baby B's Nursery!!

Finally, the nursery is complete!! All we need now is a baby to put in there! lol... I've posted the pictures, but since there were SO many and blogger sucks when trying to upload more than 1 photo at a time, I did not put captions on them. However, I want to note...the paintings of the dogs were done by my dad back in 1971. 5 years before my sister was born and 13 years before I was born. Also, the closet...We live in the Kiebler Elf house, so we don't have much room. Baby and I share a closet. Which is okay for now, but mama really needs her own digs. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy the pictures!!

39 Week Update!!

OMG, how are we already here??? With only one week til my due date, I'm still scrambling to get things done. I still feel like I'm just going to be pregnant forever, but I know that's not the case.

How far along? 39 Weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain: 46 ish pounds
Maternity Clothes?: Yep.
Stretch marks? Yep and they itch like a MF. I'm lucky enough to get the pregnancy rash on top of it all.
Sleep: Not great. Acid reflux has set in. Fun times.
Best Moment this week: Getting the nursery done!
Miss Anything? Bending over and walking without feeling like I'm going to drop a baby at any moment.
Movement: Yep. Still rocking and rolling. They say at this point, movement slows. Not so much for this kid.
Food cravings: Milk again. Like crazy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just insane heartburn.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Contractions here and there, he's dropped a bit...I'm pretty sure I've lost my MP. For those who don't know what that really don't want to know.
Symptoms: RLP, Contractions, swelling, can no longer walk without pain
Belly Button in or out? Eh, pretty much flat except one little piece at the top...
Wedding rings on or off? Back off. :-( The hormone induced dermatitis made it's return.
Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER emotional. I may or may not be just a little terrified of what's to come.
Looking forward to: Meeting the kidlet. I'm so ready for this to be over and for him to be in my arms. This is pretty much still the case. This and football season which also starts in less than a week. WPS!!

I'm kinda hoping this will be my last pregnancy update. As much as I'd loooove to make it to September, I'm just THAT exhausted that I think even a week more of this is too much. I've been having little cramps here and there and so I'm hoping that's a good sign and that things are starting to be on their way. I have another appointment on Tuesday so I'm really hoping that everything that's gone on in the last week means that progress is being made. Keep your fingers crossed that by this time next week, our little Munchkin is here and we can start doing BABY updates!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Just a quick update

Just wanted to post a quick update, as I had a doctor appointment today. I am currently sitting at zero progress. So, it looks like Kidlet will be chilling a bit longer. I know...I could be at a zero and go into labor tonight, or I could walk around for a month at 3cm. But, for now, nothing happening. Which is good, because my house is again a disaster area and I have not finished the nursery. Although, I probably should get my ass in gear and finish up these little projects so I can try to RELAX!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hospital Bag Post!

I felt you guys deserved an extra post today since I've been seriously slacking on my recipes and my Tip-tastic Thursday posts... So, here ya go...the required hospital bag post.

I've read enough of these posts and the comments to know that there really is no right way to pack. Some people take WAY too much crap that they'll never use...some people take WAY too much crap and use all of it. Considering we are an hour from the hospital, I'd rather take too much crap than not enough and need something. But I still feel my bags are pretty basic.

1) Post Partum Support Belt- I've heard these are pretty awesome at not only helping your belly shrink after birth, but making your now empty "bowl full of jelly" belly feel a little more normal. One of the things that most STM (second time moms) have said is that it is really disconcerting to go from having a rock hard big ol' belly to having a squishy lumpy big ol' belly.

2) Nursing gown and robe- Chances are, I won't have many visitors in the hospital. But, I do plan on taking lots of pictures with our newest Little and I don't want to be wearing those hideous hospital gowns. Plus, see above comments regarding belly. I'm already not going to feel just super confident about myself. Might as well TRY to feel as pretty as possible.

3) Suckers- Not sure if my hospital allows you to eat or drink anything, but there is no way I can go more than 3 hours without any sugar. As far as I know, suckers are usually okay because it's not really a solid that sits on your stomach and creates a choking hazard.

4)Toiletries- Apparently, that first shower after birthing a human being is pretty freaking special. You start to somewhat resemble a human being again. I've got little trial size shampoo and conditioner and deodorant...

5) Socks with grippies. I know the hospital provides some, but these are ultra fluffy. Don't mind the lone pink one. The partner is down in the laundry room...I just haven't gone down to get it yet.

6) Poofies for the shower- Pretty self explanatory.

7)Giant Granny Panties- The STMs are pretty divided on this one. The hospital provides mesh undies, which I hear are either awesome or craptastic depending on who you are. Figured it was better to be safe than sorry, so I packed them just in case.

8)Floatation Devices- Another big divider...some women will tell you that they don't make pads big enough to rival the industrial strength hospital grade ones, but some people say these work awesome if you don't like that "pillow between your legs feeling." Another Just In Case item. I honestly don't know which I'll prefer or need.

NOT PICTURED: Basic things like makeup, phone charger, laptop/charger, camera, and something to wear home. I figure I'll grab a pair of black pj pants and a comfy tee to ride home in. Also a few basic Forever 21 tanks. They can be modified to hook onto your nursing bra and they're $2.80 each. Way worth it over the $25 nursing camis. Also, toothbrushes, toothpaste and EOS lip balm.

Baby's Hospital Bag!!

1) Breast feeding pillow- A Godsend for holding up a brand new baby with those weak spaghetti arms you get from 9 months of being sedentary.

2) Soft Blanket- They'll have plenty of scratchy receiving blankets, but my little sweets needs something soft to snuggle up in.

3) Hootie- His first little blankie.

4) Going home outfits- One in NB size, the other in 0-3 month...just in case he's a big 'un. Some socks and some little mittens for his tiny little hands.

5) Hats!!- He needs all three...because they're freaking adorable and he'll need something to keep his noggin warm other than those hospital hats.

6) Extra receiving blankets- These are always in the diaper bag, they make handy burp cloths and you never know how long it might take to get an extra blanket during a 3am feeding at the hospital.

This is for me during labor. I'm hoping it comes in sure has been pretty nice around the house!

Anything else you guys can think of, let me know!!! We'll also do a post later to see how much of this shit I actually used. ;-P

38 Weeks!!

So, I've decided to make these updates every 2 weeks instead of weekly. At this point, everything is about the same...he's just getting bigger and neurological development is continuing as it will for the next rest of his life. I've also been slammed busy and exhausted so this is the best I can do for now...

How far along? 38 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain: 45 pounds
Maternity Clothes?: Yep.
Stretch marks? Yep and they itch like a MF.
Sleep: Not very good. Insomnia has reared it's ugly head.
Best Moment this week: Banana Split with R. It was yummy.
Miss Anything? Everything.
Movement: His new favorite thing is to stick his feet waaaay out and his butt the other direction. Makes for an interesting look.
Food cravings: Sweets. Anything and everything sweet.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Contractions here and there, he's dropped a bit...
Symptoms: RLP, Contractions, swelling, can no longer walk without pain
Belly Button in or out? Eh, pretty much flat except one little piece at the top...
Wedding rings on or off? Back off. :-( The hormone induced dermatitis made it's return.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody. I'm exhausted and it shows.
Looking forward to: Meeting the kidlet. I'm so ready for this to be over and for him to be in my arms.

As you can tell...most of my answers are the same since 36 weeks... Things get a little boring towards the end. I'm just waiting for these contractions to actually be the real thing. That's the most terrifying part. Not knowing when or where it's going to happen. We went to the city Friday night and all I could think of was I better not go into labor and have to take 3 subways, walk 6 blocks, and drive an hour to the hospital. I'm really looking forward to the day when I can post my birth story, though... Hopefully he won't be TOO late.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

36 Week Update!!

36 Weeks!
Baby is still the size of a honeydew!
He is 18.7 inches and around 5.8lbs.
He is now head down and preparing for delivery!

Sorry for the absence guys. It's been a busy and exhausting couple of weeks and quite frankly, baby hasn't been doing much, so....

How far along? 36 Weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 41 pounds
Maternity Clothes?: Yep.
Stretch marks? Yep. Tiger'd up.
Sleep: Painful
Best Moment this week: Surprise Baby shower at work today!!
Miss Anything? My shoes.
Movement: He likes to stick his butt out the top of my belly.
Food cravings: Chick-Fil-A...blame the media.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Starting to get some real contractions. Baby has dropped and is head down.
Symptoms: RLP, Contractions, swelling.
Belly Button in or out? Still flat, but threatening to pop.
Wedding rings on or off? Back off. :-( The hormone induced dermatitis made it's return.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super sensitive and emotional. Easily irritable. Uncomfortable...
Looking forward to: Getting the house completely ready for baby and for FALL!!!

Again, sorry for delays and absences. I've got a million things to do and no time or energy to get them done. But, Now that we're staring down the childbirth barrel, it's time to get crackin, and I'm just hoping that everything falls into place. I can't believe that in a few days, I'll be at term and that in just a few weeks, it'll be time. I am so excited and scared at the same time. It's really almost here.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Pinterest Recipe Review: Snakebites

A few weeks ago I pinned a recipe for something called "Snakebites." It had 2 major ingredients that I love. Cream cheese and crescent rolls. How could I go wrong??

Here is the picture from Pinterest:

The recipe can be found HERE.

Of course, I made a few tweaks. Instead of green chiles, I used a can of Rotel. Instead of Cumin, I used only the chili powder. The tweaks are courtesy of failing to check the pantry before going to the grocery store.

Here are the pictures from the process:

These are the ingredients. Pretty basic. Except, subtract a can of only need one. And, add the chili powder. I forgot to include that in the family photo.

Browning the hamburger meat with the drained Rotel in it. This process had me salivating. I love the smell of hamburger meat cooking. I'm also so excited that the sight of raw meat no longer makes me sick.

After adding the cream cheese. This looks disgusting. Tastes amazing. Trust me on this.

Prepping the crescent rolls.

Fresh out of the oven.

Final Product!

My thoughts on this recipe? Phenomenal. The Rotel gave it just enough kick to make it interesting and send my heartburn raging. BUT, it was delicious. I paired them with a side of ranch dressing which, I feel, cooled the heat just enough. The full pound of ground hamburger does make a LOT of mix. I had enough left over to put in tupperware for a yet to be determined later use. You might be able to use half to three quarters of a pound. But, the mix is so good, I can't see anything bad about having extra. I hope you all enjoy!! This one's going in the permanent repertoire!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tip-Tastic Thursday!

(Photo Courtesy of

Baby wipes have a couple of very obvious uses. You clean up a baby with use them for your own hygiene uses... But, baby wipes have a bunch of wonderful other uses.

Make-Up Remover: I know, I know...they actually MAKE wipes for makeup removal these days. However, I've used several different brands of those wipes and none of them can remove stubborn eye makeup properly. And, I always feel like my face is sticky and gritty after using them. Blech... One day, I ran out of those "miracle" wipes and grabbed a baby wipe out of my stash. (Guilty...I know. They are for the BABY, not for me. No worries...I went and bought my own) The difference was amazing! It completely cleansed my face without harsh chemicals or perfumes. And, that hard to remove eyeliner and mascara? Gone in one swipe. I was floored!! Even more-so when I realized that a box of 70 wipes was a fraction of the price of a pack of the OFF BRAND make up remover wipes. I am officially a convert. Admittedly, in my quest to be thrifty, I bought the off-brand baby wipes. I highly recommend splurging on the Pampers Sensitive brand. They were $2.50 at the supermarket, and I spent $1.99 on the off brand. The Pampers brand is softer and does a better job in my opinion.

Snot Remover: This one may need a little more explanation. If you have a dog that loves to put his nose all over everything, you know that doggie snot is impossible to clean off. The other day, I was in a rush to get ready for work and my pup started nosing me. Which left a big smear on my work clothes!! I didn't have time to change (and honestly, I'm running out of clothes that fit) so I grabbed a baby wipe and the snot stain came right out! No trace of it whatsoever. This is a huge deal for me, because I only know of one other thing that works so effectively on dog boogers but vinegar and I didn't want to spray myself with vinegar before work. LOL.

Other obvious uses for baby wipes is quick swipes of the bathroom counters when you're pinched for time and your mom is coming over. I use them when I'm APPLYING my makeup because I use my fingers to blend. It's easier to wipe my hands and keep on going. I've even used them to smooth the ends of my ponytail when I have a strand or 10 that is flipping the other direction. What are your other uses for baby wipes???

Monday, July 23, 2012

Pinterest Recipe Review- Cheesy Chicken Lasagna

I'm sure by now, most of the free world is familiar with Pinterest. If you're not using it, you have at least heard of it. Right?? I LOVE Pinterest. Sometimes it makes me feel inadequate because,let's face it...I'm not nearly as crafty, stylish, or as good as a cook as it would have me believe. However, sometimes, I do feel inclined to take a pinterest idea and give it a go in the real (re: MY) world. So, this week, I'm going to review a recipe that made my mouth water at first sight. me...equals Love at First Sight. Yes, I do believe in it. Here is the picture that seduced me:

Looks yummy, right??? This recipe comes courtesy of You can get right to this recipe by clicking HERE.

I'm not going to post the full actual recipe since it's not mine and I did link to the original. I'm just going to give you the Cliff's notes version...

The next time I make this, I will be making some adjustments. I don't feel like the recipe made enough of the chicken mixture. And, as most recipes I find are, this one was a little on the bland side to me. But, to be fair, I like my food very heavily seasoned. R really liked this recipe and Marley...well, he loved it.

Aside from the adjustments, this wasn't a hard recipe...I'll probably consolidate some steps next time to make it go faster, but for the most part, this was an easy meal that tastes like it's a lot harder to make.

Cut up and cook about 3 cups of boneless, skinless chicken breast. This isn't quite 3 cups. I'll be doubling this along with the other ingredients in the "mix."

All you need for this recipe, other than the chicken. I had already started cooking the chicken when I realized I should be taking pictures. Forgive's my first time food blogging.

Barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove. How cliche' am I??? LOL. I had to lean over quite far to get this photo, too. My southbound view is pretty obscured these days. Also, yes, that's the dress in my 34 week update photo. This was all done on the same day.

Boil your lasagna noodles.

The "mix" before adding the chicken.

Build your lasagna. Unfortunately, I got caught up in building mine and this is the only photo I have of the building process.

Bake!! Now, the recipe says 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Because I had bread baking, too, I did 400 degrees for 30 minutes. It turned out fine that way, but I would highly recommend sticking with the longer cook time at lower heat.

Finished product! Clearly, I suck at food photography.

Doesn't look QUITE like the picture from Pinterest.

Homemade bread. Not a Pinterest recipe. This one is mine. ;-P

R's amazing homemade garlic spread. I swear, I could eat this with a spoon.

Dinner is served! All plated up and ready to go.

Sometime soon, I'll post the bread recipe and photos. It is actually really easy. Final word on this recipe is this: I will make this again, with the necessary tweaks to appease my discriminating palate. (HA!) It was good. Not as pretty as they made it look, but pretty tasty nonetheless. Bon Apetite!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

34 Week Update!!

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain: 37 pounds. Good God.
Maternity Clothes?: Yep.
Stretch marks? Stretch marks have now appeared on the underside of my belly. I'll be making a trade after this kid. Thanks.
Sleep: Not at all.
Best Moment this week: Taking Marley to Lafayette Village for the day. He had sooo much fun!
Miss Anything? My old body. Bending over. Breathing. Sleeping.
Movement: Yeah still sharpening his claws.
Food cravings: Every damn thing on Pinterest.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: RLP, BH Contractions, swelling. I cry. A LOT. For no reason.
Belly Button in or out? Still flat, but threatening to pop.
Wedding rings on or off? Back off. :-( The hormone induced dermatitis made it's return.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super sensitive and emotional. Easily irritable.
Looking forward to: September. Real Sushi. Football. Fall.

Well, with the discovery of the stretch marks and the major jump in weight gain AND the evil biotch at the grocery store, I'm feeling just freaking awesome about myself these days. Man, I can't wait to pop out this kid and get in on some P90x. I may never look the same again, but Lord, I'm going to try. The cashier at the grocery store, when told my due date, said..."Oh,'re carrying REALLY big" I wanted to punch the old bitty in the face. I get it...when I say "due in September" it seems like so far away. But, it's only 6 weeks. I'll be full term in 3 weeks. I think I might start freaking out in 3...2...1...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tip-Tastic Thursday!

Maybe we need to find a better name for this weekly post??

Okay, so in an effort to revamp this blog into something a little more mainstream... We have a new weekly post. Every Thursday, I'll post a household tip that I love and find very useful. I hope you guys enjoy!

Have you ever burned food on the bottom of a pan? Or let something sit a little too long in a casserole dish? It seems like it's impossible to scrape off burned on bits of cheese. Back at Thanksgiving, I roasted a pan full of Sweet Potatoes. I didn't line the pan with foil (Rookie move!!!) and all of those natural sugars oozed out and caramelized onto my pan. R was POSITIVE we were going to have to throw the pan out. But, I had a secret weapon in my arsenal. I whipped out a box of Bounce Dryer sheets. Dryer sheets?? YES!

Next time you burn a pan or don't have a chance to immediately rinse a dish, fill the dish with water and a squirt of dish soap. Then simply place a dryer sheet in the water and let it sit. For small problem areas, a couple of hours is sufficient. For heavy duty problem areas (such as the Great Sweet Potato Incident) let it sit overnight.

When the time is up, dump out the water, remove the dryer sheet and voila! The mess cleans up easily...or at least with a lot less elbow grease.

This is one of my FAVORITE household tips. I even keep a box of dryer sheets under the kitchen sink just for this purpose. They don't have to be Bounce brand, I just happened to end up with an extra box one time. Next time, I'll buy the cheap stuff for the dishes. But, it works wonders on all sorts of tough kitchen messes. Got a sticky spot on the counter that won't come off without tearing your fingernails all to hell? Wet a dryer sheet and lay over the spot for a little while.

You can even make these last double time by cutting them in half.

I hope you guys have enjoyed our first Tip-Tastic Thursday. I have no idea how to do a link up party or anything of the sort, but if you want to do a Tip-Tastic post and share your blog link in the comments, you are more than welcome!!!

New Weekly Post, Anyone?

When I started this blog, I never really intended for it to be a pregnancy blog or a "mommy blog." I started this blog as a way to share the things that interest, clothes, makeup, crafts, etc. However, life got crazy and by the time I found time to blog again, I was pregnant and had just moved and this is how my friends and family kept up with me. Now, I have a few readers from different avenues of the world and while I'm sure you are all thrilled to read each week (late) about my stretch marks and cravings, I'm sure you're ready for a change of pace. I know I am.

I started to fear that maybe I was already allowing myself to be defined by impending motherhood. Where were the things that I loved so passionately months ago? I began to realize that in the past few months, I hadn't created anything. I hadn't cooked or written original music or poetry. I hadn't tried any of the things that I pinned on Pinterest with enthusiasm and inspiration. I was completely enthralled in getting ready for baby. Get the nursery painted, get the crib built, get things done.

Then, I slowly started to get a little bummed. I look a hot mess. I feel very insecure and down and drained. And bored. Very bored with myself. I know if I'm boring myself, you guys must be in tears.

So, I am going to get in your face. I mean that in the best way, I swear. I think that if I force myself to do the things that I find passion in, and write about them, I'll get out of my rut. This may mean one of two things. I'll totally suck at this commitment and it will go the way of the video tutorial Sunday. OR, I'll really start to feel the flow of ideas and I'll be posting 50 times a day. Ha. Hopefully, we can find a good middle ground. Help keep me accountable guys. Don't let me slack on this. Don't let me be only a mom. Help me to be the best of all I can be.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

33 Week Update!!

33 Weeks!
Baby is the size of a melon...of some sort.
He is about 18 inches long and 4.5ish lbs.
He is sleeping with his eyes open, now...
You could say the same about his mama. :)

Excuse the cell phone mirror picture. And, the towel on my head. And, the mess in the background. Unless you wanted a repeat of week 31, this is as good as it gets. Our internet is also down for the time being, so I'm having to write this on the fly. shhhh...

How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain: 33 pounds? At my appt last week, I had a gain of 32lbs. I haven't weighed this week. Just going with the typical gain, here.
Maternity Clothes?: Yeeesss...and they're too small. But I refuse to buy any more. I'm sooo close.
Stretch marks? A couple on my hip...still this and they are getting darker. :( Hopefully this is still the case. I can't see under my belly.
Sleep: Ninjettas don't need sleep.
Best Moment this week: The night that my animals slept on R's side of the bed!
Miss Anything? My old body.
Movement: Yeah, he's doing the hippie white boy dance in there.
Food cravings: Blueberry everything.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: The worst RLP of my life, and some more swelling.
Belly Button in or out? Still flat, but threatening to pop.
Wedding rings on or off? Back off. :-( The hormone induced dermatitis made it's return.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super sensitive and emotional
Looking forward to: Meeting my son and sleeping on my stomach again.

oooh, where do I start today? I'd like to begin with a cautionary tale. Pregnancy is like one long Bi-polar episode. The first trimester, you're terrified, happy, miserable and nauseous. The thought of a glass of water is enough to make your stomach turn and you wonder why the hell anyone would go through this more than once.

The second trimester is where the fun starts. You start to kinda show. You're no longer throwing up your toenails and you can enjoy those midnight cravings without worry of being sick or heartburn ruining it. You get that burst of energy (allegedly...I never did) You feel your little one move for the first time and you are amazed every time he does and wonder how people could ever make the decision to NOT experience this.

Third trimester...Or as I like to call it...the 7th Circle of Hell. You're fat, you're swollen, you can't bend over. You get out of breath trying to pull on your underwear (seriously??? Seriously.) Which, speaking of underwear, your supply is reduced to whatever the biggest ugliest things in your drawer are. Even though people claim you're "all belly" for some reason, your underwear no longer go up past your knees. You can't sleep AT ALL and when you do sleep, you wake up choking on acid in the back of your throat. Those cute little baby flutters??? His little pokes and rolls are replaced by kicks and punches and someone loaned this kid a pair of metal spiked cleats. You find yourself crying because you look "ugly and fat" and even though you're starving half to death, you can only eat littl bits at a time, because your fetus has his ass shoving your stomach into your brain. You can barely walk because the weight of your uterus is slowly shredding your lower abdominal muscles. And, you the hell am I going to survive another 7 weeks.

Don't get me wrong. I love my baby, and I can't WAIT for him to be here...and he can stay put as long as he needs to, to finish baking. But, sweet Jesus...Pregnancy is rough, man! I am eternally grateful that I am able to create and produce life, but it's a tough road.

I'm actually looking forward to the newborn phase. I know my sleep will be interrupted, but at least the 2 hours or so I'll get a night will be decently comfortable. I can function on little sleep as long as it's somewhat quality sleep. (Spoken like a true naive first time mom...see me later when I'm eating my words. Again.) For now, I'm hanging in there. Praying each day that I make it and trudging closer to the finish line. That 2nd trimester sprint downhill on perfectly paved roads is over. Now, it's an uphill swim in molasses and mud...but it'll be here soon enough.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

32 Week Update!!

Sooo...Do you think anyone really notices that I didn't do a 31 week update?? Sorry, guys. I was super tired, super busy, and super over it this past week. Nothing really exciting happened. The stats were pretty much the same for 30 weeks...

How far along? 32 Weeks. On the nose!
Total weight gain: 30 pounds. Somehow...this is still the gain. I hope that's okay...
Maternity Clothes?: Yep. And, I'm having to improvise those...
Stretch marks? A couple on my hip...still this and they are getting darker. :(
Sleep: Ha!
Best Moment this week: Yet to come...The show tonight!
Miss Anything? Not hurting.
Movement: Yeah, still pretty active. It's supposedly slows down from here on out.
Food cravings: Cracker Barrel the other day. It was AMAZING.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: Round Ligament pain returns with a vengance as does Heartburn.
Belly Button in or out? Still flat, but threatening to pop.
Wedding rings on or off? Back off. :-( The hormone induced dermatitis made it's return.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I cry over everything. *sigh*
Looking forward to: The baby getting here. I'm so ready. And, of course the Roger Waters show tonight!!!!

So, that's about all I have for now. I really need to sit down and write a post about my parents' visit up here, what's been going on in the world of us, and some new developments that have taken place. But, alas, I'm now to the point where I'm skipping whole freaking updates, so don't hold your breath. I will in a few weeks, I will have more time to regale you with details of my awesome life. lol... However, right now, I gotta finish getting ready for the most amazing concert ever. I told R that I was irrationally excited that Baby B was going to be able to hear the whole show. We're listening the record right now and he is really reacting to it. Kid has good taste. What can I say???

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME!

So, we're 28 on the 28th. That has to mean something, right? lol... No big plans today. Probably going to clean my house tonight. Maybe I'll bully R into picking out a know, since it's my birthday and all. :-)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

30 Week Update!

Me and my lovebug, Marley

How far along? 30 Weeks and 3 days.
Total weight gain: 30 pounds.
Maternity Clothes?: Yep. And, even my maternity shirts are starting to be too short.
Stretch marks? A couple on my hip. So far, this is still it.
Sleep: I don't understand the question.
Best Moment this week: My parents and aunt coming to visit!!
Miss Anything? Sleep
Movement: Yeah, he's a very active baby.
Food cravings: Everything I can get my hands on.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: Burning, searing pain at the top of my bump. Apparently it's smooshed nerves.
Belly Button in or out? Still flat
Wedding rings on or off? Back off. :-( The hormone induced dermatitis made it's return.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty much have reached the of my rope with un-necessary rudeness and bullshit.
Looking forward to: My birthday this Thursday, and a weekend running around with R.

Holy.Shitballs. I cannot believe I am already 30 weeks. That means there will be a baby in 10 weeks. TEN!!!! I'll be full term in 7 weeks. I have a ton of shit left to do. Cue panic mode, now. I still have not found a daycare, I still have not found a pediatrician...I am nowhere near done with the nursery... And, we still don't have a NAME!!!!

I know that it seems like 10 weeks is far away, but when you think about how fast 10 weeks times three has gone by for can appreciate my freak out.

I'm still trying to get thank you cards written, for pete's sake. That being said, I better get off here and hop to it.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A letter to my son

Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
   There was a video that went around on the internet (something you’ll learn about many years down the line) about a group of kids who bullied a grandmother on a school bus.  I didn’t watch the video.  I was too afraid of what I would see.  I heard about it, though…and it prompted me to write this letter to you.   As a mother to be, I can sometimes seem consumed by the things that we need to do to get ready for your arrival.  Clothes, diapers, crib…  But, I also think about the things that come later.  The lessons that I want to teach you.  The values that your father and I want to instill in you.    It’s hard to think of you beyond a tiny crying baby…but one day, you’ll be a big kid…then a teenager…an adult…a father yourself, someday.   (Someday FAR FAR FAR in the future.)   It’s a mighty big responsibility to prepare you for that time.  But, it’s what we signed up for when we decided to bring you into this world. 
There will be times that you will hate us.  You’ll tell us how miserable we are…that we’ve ruined your life.   That’s okay.  It means we’ve done something right.   You won’t always understand this.  It’ll come later…when you’re older and you see “kids these days” and wonder where their parents are.   But, when you tell us that we are “totally lame”…we’ll know that we’re raising a good kid.  
There will be times that you’ll feel frustrated or mad. Sad…confused…embarrassed.  That’s ALL okay.  I’m sure you hear me being ALL of those things while you’re in my tummy.   You probably hear a lot that I’ll have to explain later.   But, no matter how bad you are feeling…it’s never okay to be mean to people.  Always treat people nicely.  Always have respect for your elders. And your brothers and sisters… all of them.  Not just the ones related to you.   And, for your girlfriends  and, one day, wife.   Always treat other people with kindness and graciousness.  Even if they aren’t doing the same.   Trust me, you’ll always end up being the bigger person.    That being said…always stand up for what you know is right.  Don’t be a doormat.   
Always say “please” and “thank you.”  And everyone is “ma’am” or “sir.”   Hold the doors for ladies.  And, a smile goes a long way to brightening someone’s day.    Share.  Share your toys, share your thoughts,  share your sandwich.   Everything is infinitely better when you’re sharing it with someone else.  
Be nice to animals.  You’ll learn that pretty early on.  They will be the most loyal friends you’ll ever have.   They will love you unconditionally and all they ask for in return is a belly rub and some kibble. 
There is SO much that I want you to know…that I want to teach you.   This little letter barely skims the surface.    Most of it will be learned through life lessons. Some easy…some very very hard.   But, through all of it…I want you to know that we love you SO much and are already so proud of you.   I can’t wait until you are here so that I can finally tell you that while looking into your eyes.    Until then…I’ll continue telling you through my belly and hope that you feel how hard my heart beats for you. 


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

29 Week Update!

My sister and I at my baby shower.

Baby is the size of a Butternut Squash!
He is weighing around 3lbs and is 15.5 inches long!
His head is getting bigger to accommodate that growing brain!
His Skeleton is also starting to harden up.

How far along? 29 Weeks...4 days
Total weight gain: About 28ish? I didn't weigh myself today and I'm too tired to get up.
Maternity Clothes?: Yep. And, I'm hooked up thanks to my sweet friend, Rico.
Stretch marks? A couple on my hip.
Sleep: I'm never gonna sleep again...
Best Moment this week: Seeing all my friends and family back home!
Miss Anything? Nope.
Movement: Oh, yeah...I think my baby is part puppy. He keeps doing that "chasing bunnies" thing that the dog does. Or at least that's what it feels like.
Food cravings: Cabbage. Don't ask.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope...caught another tummy bug, but that's it.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: So.Freaking.Tired. AND, I waddle. Yep.
Belly Button in or out? Still flat
Wedding rings on or off? The ring is still on. We'll see how much longer this happens.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Easily irritated by stupidity.
Looking forward to: My parents and my aunt coming up to see us! They will be here tomorrow!!!!

Sorry for such an abbreviated update. I'm exhausted. After a great weekend, I flew home Sunday night in time to be completely taken down by a stomach virus. I was sick all day Monday, which left Tuesday and Today to get the house completely cleaned and ready for my parents and aunt to come visit. I feel this should have been a monumental post considering it's my last week in the 20's...('s my husband's too! lol...I'll be 30 weeks on Saturday, he'll be 30 years old on Sunday!) I still have to write out thank you cards for all the gifts that I received. If you gave a gift...I promise, your thank you is coming! It's just going to be a few days longer than I like to get them out. Anyway, I'm going to decompress for a few and then I'm crashing out. Got a big HUGE weekend planned!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

28 Week Update!

Pay NO atention to my face! This is an awful picture, but it was taken after putting together the crib. So, you can understand my slovenly appearance, right? P.S. You're welcome for the sneak peek of the nursery. ;-P

How far along? 28 Weeks...and 4 days. Seems like Wednesday is the magic day for these posts.
Total weight gain: 26 pounds.
Maternity Clothes?: Yep. Unless it has like...150% lycra, it ain't fittin'.
Stretch marks? Still can't tell. I have blotchy belly skin, so I don't know if it's just uneven or if I'm striped.
Sleep: Sleep...oh, sleep. Maybe one day.
Best Moment this week: BAM! Nursery painted, crib together, dresser project done-zo!
Miss Anything? My feet bones. More on that below.
Movement: Yep, my belly is a bowl full of baby nowadays and jiggles like crazy.
Food cravings: Chick Fil A, BBQ, Mexican, US Pizza. Getting all four this weekend.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: Yeahhh...swelling, boob leakage...nice, huh?
Belly Button in or out? Flat still...but starting to do a little poking out. Not much, though.
Wedding rings on or off? The ring is still on for now, but unless I can control this swelling, it's coming back off. I'm pretty upset by this.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I can no longer be held responsible for the reactions I may have to rudeness. Or kindness. Or happiness...or any type of interaction.
Looking forward to: GOING BACK TO ARKANSAS THIS WEEKEND!!!!! SOOO freaking excited to see my friends and family. Ughh... And of course, this week has dragged ASS.

SO, as you can tell above, I have started to experience some of the more embarrassing symptoms of pregnancy. My feet look like anvils and I can no longer go braless without some sort of extra bulk (as if I needed MORE attention brought up there) stuffed in there. I also had a moment today where I seriously thought I might pee myself in the car on the way home. All I could think was...well, at least the seats are scotch-guarded. *sigh* 11.5 weeks to go. I can dooo this. I'm actually loving being pregnant and I sometimes feel like I'll always be pregnant. Sometimes the reality of there actually being an end to this and a baby coming just sort of...escapes me.

We bought the crib this week and put it together tonight. I am so excited to have a crib in the house. It sort of makes it more real. It looks beautiful and works so well in that room. I was so afraid it would be too big but everything is starting to really come together. All I really need to finish off the nursery decor is some artwork, my decals,curtains, and a rug. Oh, and of course, baby stuff and a baby. But, all in due time. Actually, I have a few baby things that two of my best friends got me before I moved away. I couldn't resist setting those things up in the nursery and putting diapers and washcloths in the dresser.

Well, that's all I've got for tonight. It's 10:30 and I need to hit the sack. I've got work tomorrow and then a million things to do here before I leave town. Not only do I go home for a couple days this weekend, but next week, my parents and aunt are coming up here to visit me!!! lol...Time to really get the house in order...people are actually coming to see it!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Dresser/Changing Table: Before & After

As usual, I'm running late on my weekly updates, but I felt like I needed to give you something different. You break up the monotony of posts about my ever expanding waistline. We had a VERY busy weekend. We got our asses in gear and got some stuff done to the nursery!! YAY!!!

First and foremost, gone is the yucky eggnog shade of paint on the wall. In it's place is Bermuda Bay, a beautiful aqua/turquoise color. It has immediately changed the vibe of that room. Even with no furniture in there and a drop cloth sprawled across the floor...the room went from boring to calming and lovely.

We also bought our crib this weekend!! YAY!!! It's all coming together and we are thrilled!

I can't really show you pictures of the full nursery just yet, as that will be a different post for when everything is done in there. BUT, I CAN show you the pictures of our completed dresser renovation!!! I am so excited to have this project done. R and I worked so hard on making this $15 dresser new again. So without further adieu...I give you the before and after!!

Looks nice enough, right? It actually wasn't a terrible piece of furniture, but we wanted dark furniture to balance out the room.

Now, here is what WE did to it!

Close up of the drawer lining. LOVE these little owls!

Now, I can't wait to fill the drawers with little baby clothes and get the changing station set up on top of it. I already put some diapers in the top drawer. lol...I might be just a bit over anxious. So, readers...what do you think of the dresser's new 'do?