Sunday, July 22, 2012

34 Week Update!!

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain: 37 pounds. Good God.
Maternity Clothes?: Yep.
Stretch marks? Stretch marks have now appeared on the underside of my belly. I'll be making a trade after this kid. Thanks.
Sleep: Not at all.
Best Moment this week: Taking Marley to Lafayette Village for the day. He had sooo much fun!
Miss Anything? My old body. Bending over. Breathing. Sleeping.
Movement: Yeah still sharpening his claws.
Food cravings: Every damn thing on Pinterest.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: RLP, BH Contractions, swelling. I cry. A LOT. For no reason.
Belly Button in or out? Still flat, but threatening to pop.
Wedding rings on or off? Back off. :-( The hormone induced dermatitis made it's return.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super sensitive and emotional. Easily irritable.
Looking forward to: September. Real Sushi. Football. Fall.

Well, with the discovery of the stretch marks and the major jump in weight gain AND the evil biotch at the grocery store, I'm feeling just freaking awesome about myself these days. Man, I can't wait to pop out this kid and get in on some P90x. I may never look the same again, but Lord, I'm going to try. The cashier at the grocery store, when told my due date, said..."Oh,'re carrying REALLY big" I wanted to punch the old bitty in the face. I get it...when I say "due in September" it seems like so far away. But, it's only 6 weeks. I'll be full term in 3 weeks. I think I might start freaking out in 3...2...1...


  1. Yay! Only 6 weeks! That's so exciting :)

  2. I got asked if I was sure I wasn't carrying twins, the classic you look like you can pop any minute, and the sure you will make it to January line. I smiled but my eyes said F off! Lol! Gotta love being preggo. As for pinterest, look for the Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookie recipe. Every preggos dream come true!!

    1. Oh, Lindsay...I just want to fully apologize to you for ever questioning your due date. lol...In my defense, it wasn't cause you looked big. I just had no idea you could see the heartbeat at 6 weeks, so when Marc said y'all saw it, I was convinced you were further along. lol...ahhh...the Naievity (sp?) of a never been pregnant woman. So, I hereby formally apologize to you! Also, you looked AMAZING your entire pregnancy. And, you looked freaking gorgeous right after delivery.

  3. Oh you weren't the only one. It's totally ok! It was the total strangers who irked me. Also I got stopped at Walmart the day before we had Grayson and this woman wanted to chat about my pregnancy and the whole nine yards. It was crazy! Just be forewarned that strangers are totally insensitive to how we feel. Oh and being able to finally do simple things again like walking without waddling will feel AH-MAZING. :)
