Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tip-Tastic Thursday!

(Photo Courtesy of

Baby wipes have a couple of very obvious uses. You clean up a baby with use them for your own hygiene uses... But, baby wipes have a bunch of wonderful other uses.

Make-Up Remover: I know, I know...they actually MAKE wipes for makeup removal these days. However, I've used several different brands of those wipes and none of them can remove stubborn eye makeup properly. And, I always feel like my face is sticky and gritty after using them. Blech... One day, I ran out of those "miracle" wipes and grabbed a baby wipe out of my stash. (Guilty...I know. They are for the BABY, not for me. No worries...I went and bought my own) The difference was amazing! It completely cleansed my face without harsh chemicals or perfumes. And, that hard to remove eyeliner and mascara? Gone in one swipe. I was floored!! Even more-so when I realized that a box of 70 wipes was a fraction of the price of a pack of the OFF BRAND make up remover wipes. I am officially a convert. Admittedly, in my quest to be thrifty, I bought the off-brand baby wipes. I highly recommend splurging on the Pampers Sensitive brand. They were $2.50 at the supermarket, and I spent $1.99 on the off brand. The Pampers brand is softer and does a better job in my opinion.

Snot Remover: This one may need a little more explanation. If you have a dog that loves to put his nose all over everything, you know that doggie snot is impossible to clean off. The other day, I was in a rush to get ready for work and my pup started nosing me. Which left a big smear on my work clothes!! I didn't have time to change (and honestly, I'm running out of clothes that fit) so I grabbed a baby wipe and the snot stain came right out! No trace of it whatsoever. This is a huge deal for me, because I only know of one other thing that works so effectively on dog boogers but vinegar and I didn't want to spray myself with vinegar before work. LOL.

Other obvious uses for baby wipes is quick swipes of the bathroom counters when you're pinched for time and your mom is coming over. I use them when I'm APPLYING my makeup because I use my fingers to blend. It's easier to wipe my hands and keep on going. I've even used them to smooth the ends of my ponytail when I have a strand or 10 that is flipping the other direction. What are your other uses for baby wipes???

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