Sunday, April 29, 2012

22 Week Update!!

It seems like we just did an update, doesn't it??? Oh, that's right... I was a slacker last week and so it's only been a few days since the 21 week update. My bad, guys... Good news is, we're only 1 day behind this week! Woohoo! I do need to find some time to write something other than pregnancy updates. It seemed as though life was settling down here for a bit...but alas, it never disappoints and I do have some great new Jersey adventures to take you on, so hopefully I'll get to those soon. However, today is reserved for our weekly check in with our little boy.

How far along? 22 Weeks!
Total weight gain: 14 pounds as of my 20 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? Yes...finally, I broke down and bought some maternity pants. As sad as I am to let go of my regular clothes, it sure is nice to breathe again...and I'm guessing the baby is pretty stoked about the extra room, too.
Stretch marks? Haven't seen any yet, but at this point...I'm not worried. If they happen, they happen...if not, great.
Sleep: Still pretty crappy. I think I'm gonna be pretty good at this "up every two hours" thing after the baby comes.
Best Moment this week: R finally feeling the baby move. Just one little kick, but he finally felt him!
Miss Anything? Nothing in the world can take the place of the magic I'm feeling now. Every kick, jab, poke, and roll is a reminder that I am blessed...I guess I can make it 5 more months without raw fish and vodka. ;-P
Movement: Yes, yes, yes!! Now, I can "tickle" his feet. Where he kicks, I kinda push in with my fingers and he kicks back again. It's a little game we play.
Food cravings: Choco Tacos. lol...thanks to a Facebook status update from a friend.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really this week...thank God.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Not real labor signs, but I have been getting Braxton Hicks contractions pretty frequently.
Symptoms: I outgrew my clothes.
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie, but the bottom half of it has smoothed way out. Belly button is almost completely wrinkle free. lol
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. :( I do miss them... But, it looks like some swelling is starting to kick in, so it'll definitely be awhile.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time...crying for no reason some of the time.
Looking forward to: Finally getting the baby room cleaned out so I can start working in there! <---Also still this. I've made zero progress in there. :( I should really get on that.

So that's where we are at 22 weeks. I've got about 5 more weeks in the 2nd trimester. It's weird...that sounds like such a long time, but then I think about the fact that we have lived here for 8 weeks's already been 2 weeks since my anatomy scan... Time really does start to zoom right by. That's part of the reason that I really need to get on the ball with that nursery and with picking a name. It seems like we have so much time left, but before we know it, summer will be over and our little man will be here. We have so much to be grateful for with this baby and I don't want a single minute to slip by without realizing how blessed we are. A friend of ours made a comment recently about how lucky our kid is that he is going to have a daddy like R. While I agree wholeheartedly, I can't help but think we are the lucky ones for having a son like Baby B.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

21 Week Update!!

I know it's been a few days, and I do apologize. It's been a rough week so far, so I'm just now getting around to my 21 (and a half) week update.

How far along? 21 Weeks!
Total weight gain: 14 pounds... Not so sure it's a good thing that I gained as much in 1 month as I did in 4...
Maternity clothes? Let's just say, I've been wearing a LOT of dresses lately.
Stretch marks? Still no, thank God, but all the baby books say that this is the week they'll show up.
Sleep: I wake up every time I roll over...which is a lot.
Best Moment this week: The Candy Factory in Chester. All the old school candy you can think of!
Miss Anything? Not this week. Loving every second right now.
Movement: other feeling like it in the world. It's my favorite.
Food cravings: Junk food, apparently.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Caught a stomach bug this week...that made me pretty sick.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Emotional, Boobs are out of control huge, acne... You know...the fun stuff. :)
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie.
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy with moments of rage...specifically in traffic.
Looking forward to: Finally getting the baby room cleaned out so I can start working in there!

Sorry again for the late update. Between a crazy busy weekend, some bad news for a friend, and the stomach bug, I just haven't had it in me. I'm back on the wagon, though, and hope to get back on track this weekend. Just a heads up, though, there won't be any more updates on Facebook for awhile, so if you're following me from there, please be sure to check in here often for updates and stories regarding my pregnancy.

Other than that, things are still going great. We still haven't really discussed names...well...I have, but R is holding his tongue. Sneaky, sneaky... any tips on how to get it out of him?? :) Can't wait to give this little boy a name so that we don't have to put "Baby B" on his birth certificate! But, I suppose good names come to those who wait, so wait I will... in the meantime, maybe a new little nickname for him is in order.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

She Works Hard For The Money

Man, it's been a crazy week! I started my new job on Monday! It is soo great to be back in the working world! I'm doing a lot of the same stuff that I was doing back home, so it's familiar and easy which is a plus. But, even though the work isn't hard, I am BEAT when I get home. Which would explain why I haven't written anything since Friday. Sorry bout that. :(

So, let me catch you up on what has been going on in my world. As you all know, we found out last week that we're having a boy. Super excited about it. No, we haven't come up with a name yet. Apparently, according to R, this isn't a decision to be rushed. I get that, however, Baby B is pretty tired of not having a name. I'm sure of it. We celebrated our new soon to be son by spending Saturday out and about. R took me to this cute little town not far from ours. We parked the car and strolled down the main street looking at little shops. We stopped in at a little restaurant and ate lunch at a table on the sidewalk. The weather was gorgeous. Warm and breezy afternoon. This restaurant LOVES their asparagus because it was the "Asparagus Festival." We got the leg of lamb with roasted potatoes and, of course, asparagus. It was so delicious. After lunch, we walked up the other side and came upon an Indonesian restaurant. We were stuffed, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to sit on their awesome patio and share a 7 layer was amazing.

While at the first restaurant, we were waiting for our table when I was presented with my first outlandish stranger pregnancy comment. (Still following??) The lady asked when I was due and if it was my first. (Innocent enough, right?) Then, she proceeded to tell me not to let those old women scare me...childbirth isn't that bad and that...get this...If I've ever had a large bowel movement, I'd be just fine. Ummmm...WHAT?! I just smiled and politely thanked her for the words of encouragement. As she walked out of the restaurant, R and I were almost doubled over with laughter. I mean, who SAYS that?!

So, after our adventures in town, we set off to Target. This was the shining beacon of light in my day. Sad, huh? Whatever. I haven't been to Target since we've been up here and I was seriously needing my fix. Oh, it was delightful. I had missed my beloved red sanctuary. But, as things tend to go sometimes, my joy was interrupted over the Great Bra Debacle. Okay, ladies...we really need to rally for these Big Box stores to carry the more non-traditional bra sizes. Now, I already wear a non-traditional size. I'm used to spending the big bucks on bras. I don't like it but I do it because I have to. However, I was really looking forward to buying cheap bras during my pregnancy because I figured that I would at least morph into a traditional size for a little while. Not.So.Much. I'm just a much larger non-traditional size. I tried on about 15 bras...nothing worked. I was either too big or too little for them. There was no nice middle ground. My boobs are now nicknamed "Goldilocks" because apparently, they have to be "just right." *sigh* I'm just giving up on the bra situation for now. Shelf bras in tanks work just fine for the time being. Even if I am a little...ahem...lower than usual, at least I'm not cringing in pain every time I hook one of those monstrous contraptions together.

Other than the horror of bra shopping when your boobs are rivaling the size of your baby bump, the Target trip rocked. I found my all purpose cleaner there (FINALLY) the land of Dunkin Donuts, I found the lone outcast...a Starbucks. Ahhhh... Now, I know what the coffee snobs are thinking. That DD is far superior to SB. Maybe, by way of their hot coffees. But, their selection sucks and they don't make the most awesome mocha frapps with cream base instead of coffee base. Noooo, that honor lies with good ole Starbucks. I got a venti and drank the entire thing. WITH whipped cream. It was a dream come true. Now, if I could only find my way back there again....

The remainder of my week has consisted of trying to nail down the traffic pattern so that I can leave my house and get to work closer to on time and not so much the 45 minutes early that I have been...and working. I won't bore you with those details. Things are going well... I'm halfway through my first week of work and haven't cried once, so that's a plus, I'm sure. :) Got a big weekend ahead and I'm hoping that the lovely weather we've been having this week continues. Looks like rain, but I'm still praying for sunshine.

Friday, April 13, 2012

20 Week Update!!!!

It's your lucky day! Update is a day early, extended, AND as you can see....IT'S A BOY!!!!

Baby Boy B is the size of a Cantaloupe!!!!
Weighing in at 11oz and Measuring in at 6.5 Inches!
Baby has working taste buds now and can taste all of the
Yummy Food that I've been eating!

How far along? 20 Weeks!
Total weight gain: 7 Pounds at my last appointment...this will be updated by the next update.
Maternity clothes? Regular clothes still,but looks like we'll be shopping the maternity section very soon.
Stretch marks? Still no.
Sleep: Still not so good
Best Moment this week: Finding out the sex of our baby!!!
Miss Anything? Not really this week.
Movement: Yep! He is really getting down in there. Gave the u/s tech a heck of a time!
Food cravings: Comfort foods
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still raw meat.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Well, I did see a baby in there...that's a pretty big symptom
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie.
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Thrilled
Looking forward to: Getting started on the nursery and names!

So, The Anatomy Scan went well. Baby is measuring right on track, the organs and spine look good and like I said, He's a mover! There were a couple of things that showed up that I'll have to be monitored for. First is I have a mild case of Placenta Previa. My Placenta is about 4mm away from my cervix right now. It has to be 2cm away by the time I deliver or they'll do a c-section. They seemed pretty confident that this will fix itself. The other thing is Velamentous Cord Insertion. This means that the umbilical cord didn't attach in the right spot. There is nothing that they can do and nothing that I can do to fix this. They are going to monitor me for growth issues. Right now, he's right on track and this doesn't seem to be causing any problems, though. Prayers are very much appreciated for a continued healthy pregnancy.

We are super excited to finally know that we are team blue. R is beside himself that he is going to have a son. We can't wait to meet him and have him here. September can't come fast enough!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

One Fish, Two Fish, Pink or Blue Fish???

Soooo...we are getting close to the BIG DAY! Tomorrow we find out the sex of Baby B and we can't WAIT! I know a lot of my readers have been asking me if I have any feelings one way or another...I still honestly don't. I will say that even though I have been saying from the start that I don't care...I want one of each and didn't have a preference for the first one...I have discovered that I would really love to have a daughter first. However, I've also accepted that may not be the case. I am going to be absolutely thrilled no matter what. But, I do, not so secretly, hope that I have the chance to make hair bows and tutus and all kinds of other cute girly things. If it's a boy, I'm going to have to make hazmat suits and crash test pads for him. I'm not quite that skilled!!! But, again...either way, I'm just ready for this little mystery to be solved and for us to finally be able to give our little one their own identity. And, name. I told R that since he has to work in the community garden on Sunday, that I'd like to spend Saturday maybe looking at baby names. He told me that we have plenty of time for that! WHAT?!?! I do not THINK so! LOL...I told him I've waited patiently for 20 weeks...any longer is not an option.

My first purchase when we find out is going to be the baby book. I haven't seen any gender neutral ones yet. Of course, I've only looked at Walmart and Target. I haven't been to a proper bookstore which I'm SURE has them. But, at this point, I kinda want one that is gender specific. But, I can't wait to start putting the ultrasound pictures SAFELY inside of the book, writing down all these amazing milestones, and putting little momentos and keepsakes for Baby B. When I was younger, I used to have a birthday book. It had a list of prices of everything and news headlines from the day/year I was born. It was fascinating...even more so now that I'm an adult and expecting my own baby. It's incredible to see how much things are different...and the same...even nearly 28 years later. I am saddened that most of the headlines of today are created for shock value and that their aren't many feel good stories in the world today...but hopefully...28 years from now, my son or daughter will live in a world that is beautiful and peaceful and clean and look back and see how far they've come. How far their planet and society has come. God, I hope for that almost more than anything.

I know one of the arguments for not having kids today is because people don't want to bring an innocent child into this world. There are always going to be scars on the path of history. Look back...World War II, Vietnam, the Cold War, Desert Storm...But in between these moments of desolation and destruction, were moments of beauty...The Summer of Love, The Beatles, Judy Blume books and the Slinky... Things that make up the happiest memories of our childhoods and adolescence. And, of course, now we're cynical and jaded in the ways of the world, but we keep pushing forward because we KNOW...we FEEL that somewhere past the smoke ahead of us is a clearing in the sunshine where people are smiling and loving and happy...and I know that's the part that my kids will see.

I've gone and gotten myself worked up...really the point of this post today is to share with all of you who already love Baby B so much just how excited we are to be moving into this chapter. Aside from finding out the sex of the baby, the main point of the appointment tomorrow is to make sure that all of his/her organs are forming properly and that everything is going as planned with development, so I ask for thoughts and prayers for a clean bill of health for Baby B and I will let everyone know how it goes!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

New York, New York!!!

So, Chandler hit the nail on the head in this episode. We made our first trek into the city this weekend. Oh.My.God. That's all I can say. Even though, R had wanted to take me at night and have me come up in Times Square from the subway, and see all the lights...this was just as awesome. We, luckily, have a place to park in NYC, anyone who has ever been there can attest, is mighty nice. Parking is ridiculously expensive. We came up through the Lincoln Tunnel, parked the car and set off on foot.'s been awhile since I've done any hardcore walking. Yeah...probably not the best time to jump back in that saddle. We started off at 35th and 10th. We ended up at 72nd and Central Park...but, that's a bit further ahead in the story. We started walking and I am in awe. We haven't even hit "the good stuff" yet, but just the sheer magnitude of what I was seeing for the first time in my life was overwhelming. All these places that I'd only seen on TV or in magazines...right in front of me! One of our first stops was Macy's. THE Macy's. Specifically, the cosmetics department of Macy's. I closed my eyes and held my breath as we zipped by the counters. I knew that if I stopped, we were spending our entire daily budget there. It was too early...a trap...and I knew it. We managed to get back outdoors and rounded the corner into Herald Square. The Brasil Flower show was going on this weekend!!! Yay!! We stood in line and made it inside the trailer where a tropical paradise boasted flowers, plants, a waterfall...etc.

Afterwards, we set back off towards Times Square. Let me tell's an incredible feeling to walk into the middle of Times Square and look up. I felt about 2 inches tall. The 5 story high billboards, the NYE Ball, People everywhere!!! Times Square was the most crowded place that we went to in NYC. And, it was so quiet. You don't have to don't have to strain to hear your companion...for there to be millions of people right there next to's so quiet. Another thing is the diversity. New York City could easily be called the most "American" city in the world. The icons of patriotism are endless...The Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, Ground Zero...but if you stop for just a moment and listen to the conversations around won't hear much English. I heard so many languages that I'd never even heard of before. There was so much beauty in those those people. People who look just like me...and you...but who sound so incredibly different. It's a bold reminder that we really are the melting pot of the world. I imagine if those people would venture further west...filling the south, the midwest, the Southwest...maybe there would be more tolerance. We aren't just black and white...we are a rainbow of colors and cultures and words...and it's humbling to realize just how many different pieces of the quilt we make up.

Leaving Times Square, we ventured down Broadway...where we discovered the happiest moment of my life. A theater that runs nothing but Phantom of the Opera... I am in Heaven! We tried to get in on a Matinee, but decided to hold off for a different trip to the city. When I go to see a play...I do it up right. Dress up, dinner, the works. Blame my Aunt M for that. lol...she instilled in me that the arts demand a certain reverence. When I was a kid, when she'd take me to see a new musical, she'd always buy me a new dress to wear for it. I'll never forget my first time to see Cats when I was 8. We had first row seats, I wore a black and white polka dot dress with white tights and black patent leather "heels." My hair was curled and I had on gloves and a little purse. I felt so glamorous. The way I always feel when I sit in those seats and wait for the lights to dim and for a stage full of actors to whisk me away to a different place...but that's another story for another day.

We went to the largest Toys R Us that I've ever seen. It was 3 stories and had a Ferris Wheel inside!! We played with toys and dodged sugar hyped kids... We ended up in the Babies R Us side where we oohed and ahhed over little onesies and strollers. It was pretty cute to see R inspecting a stroller and admiring the wheels on one particular model. He's going to make such a great daddy. After all of the craziness, we slipped out of there and continued on our journey...

We were starving. I had heard that there was a Steak N Shake in Manhattan and I was having the mother of all cheese fry cravings. We hiked a few blocks looking for the deliciousness that is SNS. Well, we found it and to our disappointment, it was PACKED and with only like 2 tables in the whole restaurant, we would be forced to eat outside on the sidewalk. NOT what we had in mind. So, we set back out and kept looking for a place to sit and eat. We settled on 5 Guys just as our feet were about to give out from under us. Relieved and rejuvenated by the grease and rest, we set back on our trek towards Central Park. Little did we know what was ahead of us.

Central Park is pretty much a week long trip in itself. There is a freaking ZOO in there, an ice skating rink, 3 lakes, a carousel, several fountains, a store, an old dairy barn...etc. We managed to see a couple of fountains and a lake. lol... We also finally found Strawberry Fields, which is the memorial garden set up by Yoko Ono for John Lennon. There is a beautiful mosaic that says "Imagine" in it inlaid into the sidewalk. There are a bunch of items left there by fans for John. Across the street from this section of the park is the building that John and Yoko lived in. This was an incredible place to be. To sit for a moment and remember the legacy of a man who imagined world peace...and probably has come the closest to achieving it. After a little while of enjoying the tranquility of Strawberry Fields, we decided R needed a beer and I NEEDED a piece of NY cheesecake. lol... We found a little deli and dear Lord...that cheesecake was amazing and HUGE. We sat for a minute resting our poor tired feet (and my aching back!) and decided that rather than hike the 60 blocks back to the car...we were taking the train.

Apparently, I'd been on a subway before. When I was 6. I don't recall it, so I'm claiming this time to be my first. First of all, it's insanely cheap to catch the train. $2.25 a person! The platform is terrifying. I can see how people would fall onto the tracks. They stand precariously close to the edge and those trains are freaking FAST. Our train came zooming into the station and after R pried me off the wall, we entered the train and I clung onto the railing for dear life. (Sidenote: Subways really do smell like pee...who the hell is PEEING on the train?!?!) We finally got a seat at the next stop which was nice because, I was not enjoying having my belly in the face of the gentleman sitting in front of me. I doubt he appreciated it much either.

We finally got to Penn Station and then walked back to our car. Pulling out into Manhattan traffic as the sunset dipped below the horizon, we sat back in our seats and smiled...the buzz of our day in the city still coursing through our veins. We had such a wonderful time and my life truly is changed by the experiences that I had just walking down the street....I can't wait to return and do all the things that we didn't have time for. R was right...I needed this. I needed to step outside of the walls of the small town we live in and do something exciting. I was starting to feel very stagnant and frustrated. Now that I see what there is to do in this place...It's actually growing on me.

I wish I could post the pictures on here, but for some reason Blogger only lets me post one per blog. I gotta figure out what's up with that. I'll get them up on my Facebook soon, but as soon as I figure out how to add more pics on here, I will.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

19 Week Update!!!

This week's picture was taken at Strawberry Fields in Central Park. Sorry if you can't exactly read the update...I'll include it at the bottom of this post.

How far along? 19 Weeks! Back to normal!
Total weight gain: 7 Pounds at my last appointment...I probably should get a scale for the house.
Maternity clothes? Regular clothes still, but it's getting to the point where no ponytail holder or Belly band is going to do the trick much longer. :( Very sad by this.
Stretch marks? Still no.
Sleep: It sucks. But, I have a theory that your body is acclimating you for when your little one arrives. I should be a pro before too long.
Best Moment this week: Going to New York City!!
Miss Anything? Walking like a normal person and NOT like a duck.
Movement: Yep! From the inside AND a little from the OUTSIDE!!! It is SUCH an amazing feeling!!
Food cravings: Everything. lol...I have a hard time putting down the food.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still raw meat.
Gender Predictions: No idea but next time I do an update...WE'LL KNOW!! Less than a week!!!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: UEOs.... Unexplained Emotional Outbursts.
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie.
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part, but see symptoms above.
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex next Friday (YAY!!!) and Picking out a NAME! FINALLY!

It's hard to believe that the next time I post a baby update, we'll know if it's a he or a she. I'm so excited and so ready to finally put a name to him/her and to begin really getting on the ball with getting the baby room ready. I am so in love with this life growing inside me and I can't wait to know more about it. I wish everyone in the world could know what this feels like...

The picture reads:

19 Weeks!
Baby is the size of a Mango!
Checking in at 6 inches long
& Weighing in at 8.5oz!!!
Baby B is getting a coat of Vernix
AND is Developing
Permanent Teeth Buds!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

March Birchbox Review

Alright! While I've got the internet working in my favor, I'm finally getting to post the March Birchbox Review. Without further adieu...

The March box was pretty awesome, I thought. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get some of the stuff that the other subscribers had gotten, but oh well...I did get a couple of real winners in this month's box.

AHAVA Essential Day Moisturizer: I was STOKED to get this in my box. I have really dry skin and my usual St. Ives moisturizer was not quite doing the job here lately. This moisturizer is nice and thick and really quenches my skin's thirst. I felt like my St. Ives was just sitting on top of my skin. This stuff soaks in and makes applying my makeup so much easier.

Boscia Green Tea Blotting Linens: Okay...for someone who has such dry and flaky skin, you would think these would be a waste for me. Not so. How you can actually SEE dry skin and still have oil is beyond me. But, I do in fact have a need for these sheets. This comes in super handy thanks to the pregnancy hormones that make me break out all the freaking time. They are also very pretty...not that you really care to look once it's coated in your lovely oil residue. Ewwww.

Oscar Blandi Pronto Wet Instant Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner: Apparently, "volumizing" isn't a real word. I keep getting the red squiggle line of death. Moving on... This shampoo and conditioner claims to pump up the volume AND somehow magically shorten blow-drying time. I felt that the smell was a little too clinical for my taste. The shampoo didn't clean my hair very well and the conditioner didn't rinse out completely. And, blow-drying time...HA! Longer thanks to the product buildup on my roots that the shampoo didn't touch. I think I'm going to stick to my Redken for now.

TALIKA lipocils expert: This is a lash booster that is derived by plants so it supposedly has no side effects. I have not been brave enough to try this anyone who has, let me know what you think!

This Month's Extra:
Kusmi Tea- Detox Tea:
It's a tea...I didn't try it because some herbs I'm not supposed to have and I'm sure anything "detoxing" is probably a little too intense for me now. Saving for a later date.

Well, there you have it. I know it doesn't SEEM exciting, but to me the moisturizer alone was worth the whole box. Can't wait for April's box to see what awesome stuff cometh my way!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

18 Week Update!!

How far along? 18 Weeks and 4 Days...This is starting to become a trend.
Total weight gain: 7 Pounds at my last appointment...I'm pretty sure that number is steadily increasing.
Maternity clothes? Regular clothes. I am holding on for dear life!
Stretch marks? Still no.
Sleep: Ahhh...what's that like?? Still no good.
Best Moment this week: Being piled up in bed with all the animals and R and watching movies.
Miss Anything? Extended time between bathroom breaks. This every 5 minutes thing is for the birds.
Movement: Yep! Still rockin' and rollin' in there.
Food cravings: Hot Dogs. Specifically from 7-Eleven.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still raw meat.
Gender Predictions: No idea. Still 1.5 weeks away!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Poor bladder capacity. Starving. Kicking...
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie. Although, I can feel the pressure behind it now. It's weird.
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part.
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex next Friday and feeling the baby move on the outside!

I'm sorry the picture is not the best quality. My DSLR is taking a slight vacation...meaning it didn't want to release the shutter when facing the door that I pose in front of. So I broke out my point and shoot with the self timer. Eh, it'll do. I've really got to do better about getting these updates up on Saturday when my weeks actually change over. But, here lately, I've been super lazy on Saturdays and don't feel like making myself presentable. I'm trying... Other than that, that's all that is really going on in the world of Baby B. I'm sooo beyond ready to find out what this kid is, so I can stop referring to it as...well..."It" and He/she...him/her. I feel so bad for the kid. It (dammit!!!) needs an identity of it's own. So, here's hoping the next week and a half go by quickly.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Humble Pie and Sweet Tea I get on today to check my traffic report and this blog is starting to really get going! Thank you so much to all of you who come to read my blog. Whether it is once or every day...I really appreciate you taking the time to come by and read about my life. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!

I'm sorry that my updates have become sporadic. Again, with the internet issues...I'm not going to beat the dead horse. You all know what I'm dealing with here. I do apologize. And, I'll make a conscious effort, going forth, to do what it takes to get an update out. Even if that means going to Dunkin Donuts or McDonald's to use their wifi. I'll totally take one for the team with a DQP or a dozen Blueberry cake donuts. ::shifty side eye::

Things are still going a little bit nuts over here. I'm still on the job hunt. I have a second interview for the previously mentioned legit insurance broker tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed, guys. I really REALLY need this job and it's a gig that I'd feel comfortable just jumping into. I know the job...I know the carriers...I can DO this. I just need them to think that I can do it, too.

I finally broke down and bought some tea. I made my very own batch of sweet tea yesterday and quite's terrible. lol... Apparently my southern tea making skills are on the fritz. I need to practice. I also learned that when making tea in New Jersey, it's best to buy the jugged water. I don't know why I thought that the water from the tap would cut it. I figured since it was filtered that it'd be okay...but hard water does not good tea make. Or something. It's just awful. Back to the drawing board.

In other exciting news...R and I are going to making a trip soon to NYC!!! I'm soo excited about finally seeing something other than my small town and the 15 boroughs around it. We're going to go eat NY food, walk the NY streets...hopefully pop into Central Park and let me get some pictures of the Cherry Blossom trees. If they are in bloom. I have no idea when things bloom up here. It's still pretty dead...but I've been assured that the appearance of "May Flies" indicates that Spring is coming. But, I'm SO freaking excited, I can't stand it. I have NEVER been to New York. I was totally that redneck tourist when we flew into Newark a couple months ago. Complete with pointing and yelling, "Look!!! I can see the Statue of Liberty!! It's RIGHT THERE!!!" Yeah...that was me. I wish I could say I'm ashamed, but that would just be a lie. It was pretty darn exciting. I do wonder if we'll see any celebrities while we're prowling NYC. I will say, as uncouth as I may have been about seeing Lady Liberty, I'm actually pretty comfortable around famous people. Maybe if I see Kelly Ripa or anyone else equally awesome I'll go up and say hi.

I should probably get off here and make myself a productive member of society. Or at least of this household. And, I should probably reward you guys for putting yourselves through my blog. I'm not big on constant Giveaways that seem to clutter other blogs that I read, but I'll see what I can do...maybe I'll make a necklace or something to give to one of you sweet people that come here and read my endless prattling. Just as a thank you. Not to promote my blog...not to generate money...I still do this fo' free. I just want you all to know that you are appreciated. So, again, I say THANK YOU. I am humbled.