Wednesday, April 18, 2012

She Works Hard For The Money

Man, it's been a crazy week! I started my new job on Monday! It is soo great to be back in the working world! I'm doing a lot of the same stuff that I was doing back home, so it's familiar and easy which is a plus. But, even though the work isn't hard, I am BEAT when I get home. Which would explain why I haven't written anything since Friday. Sorry bout that. :(

So, let me catch you up on what has been going on in my world. As you all know, we found out last week that we're having a boy. Super excited about it. No, we haven't come up with a name yet. Apparently, according to R, this isn't a decision to be rushed. I get that, however, Baby B is pretty tired of not having a name. I'm sure of it. We celebrated our new soon to be son by spending Saturday out and about. R took me to this cute little town not far from ours. We parked the car and strolled down the main street looking at little shops. We stopped in at a little restaurant and ate lunch at a table on the sidewalk. The weather was gorgeous. Warm and breezy afternoon. This restaurant LOVES their asparagus because it was the "Asparagus Festival." We got the leg of lamb with roasted potatoes and, of course, asparagus. It was so delicious. After lunch, we walked up the other side and came upon an Indonesian restaurant. We were stuffed, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to sit on their awesome patio and share a 7 layer was amazing.

While at the first restaurant, we were waiting for our table when I was presented with my first outlandish stranger pregnancy comment. (Still following??) The lady asked when I was due and if it was my first. (Innocent enough, right?) Then, she proceeded to tell me not to let those old women scare me...childbirth isn't that bad and that...get this...If I've ever had a large bowel movement, I'd be just fine. Ummmm...WHAT?! I just smiled and politely thanked her for the words of encouragement. As she walked out of the restaurant, R and I were almost doubled over with laughter. I mean, who SAYS that?!

So, after our adventures in town, we set off to Target. This was the shining beacon of light in my day. Sad, huh? Whatever. I haven't been to Target since we've been up here and I was seriously needing my fix. Oh, it was delightful. I had missed my beloved red sanctuary. But, as things tend to go sometimes, my joy was interrupted over the Great Bra Debacle. Okay, ladies...we really need to rally for these Big Box stores to carry the more non-traditional bra sizes. Now, I already wear a non-traditional size. I'm used to spending the big bucks on bras. I don't like it but I do it because I have to. However, I was really looking forward to buying cheap bras during my pregnancy because I figured that I would at least morph into a traditional size for a little while. Not.So.Much. I'm just a much larger non-traditional size. I tried on about 15 bras...nothing worked. I was either too big or too little for them. There was no nice middle ground. My boobs are now nicknamed "Goldilocks" because apparently, they have to be "just right." *sigh* I'm just giving up on the bra situation for now. Shelf bras in tanks work just fine for the time being. Even if I am a little...ahem...lower than usual, at least I'm not cringing in pain every time I hook one of those monstrous contraptions together.

Other than the horror of bra shopping when your boobs are rivaling the size of your baby bump, the Target trip rocked. I found my all purpose cleaner there (FINALLY) the land of Dunkin Donuts, I found the lone outcast...a Starbucks. Ahhhh... Now, I know what the coffee snobs are thinking. That DD is far superior to SB. Maybe, by way of their hot coffees. But, their selection sucks and they don't make the most awesome mocha frapps with cream base instead of coffee base. Noooo, that honor lies with good ole Starbucks. I got a venti and drank the entire thing. WITH whipped cream. It was a dream come true. Now, if I could only find my way back there again....

The remainder of my week has consisted of trying to nail down the traffic pattern so that I can leave my house and get to work closer to on time and not so much the 45 minutes early that I have been...and working. I won't bore you with those details. Things are going well... I'm halfway through my first week of work and haven't cried once, so that's a plus, I'm sure. :) Got a big weekend ahead and I'm hoping that the lovely weather we've been having this week continues. Looks like rain, but I'm still praying for sunshine.


  1. Astin, try the GenieBra. A box that has one beige and one black is $20 at Walmart. Will find them in the "seen on TV section". Each size fits a variety of size and cups and work well based on cross woven support. Bought today for first time and loving it already.
    Aunt Doreen

    1. Do you have a Barbara Graves type place up there? They specialize in all sizes. Ask around bc believe me the boobs only get heavier and you don't want stretch marks there :)
