Sunday, April 29, 2012

22 Week Update!!

It seems like we just did an update, doesn't it??? Oh, that's right... I was a slacker last week and so it's only been a few days since the 21 week update. My bad, guys... Good news is, we're only 1 day behind this week! Woohoo! I do need to find some time to write something other than pregnancy updates. It seemed as though life was settling down here for a bit...but alas, it never disappoints and I do have some great new Jersey adventures to take you on, so hopefully I'll get to those soon. However, today is reserved for our weekly check in with our little boy.

How far along? 22 Weeks!
Total weight gain: 14 pounds as of my 20 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? Yes...finally, I broke down and bought some maternity pants. As sad as I am to let go of my regular clothes, it sure is nice to breathe again...and I'm guessing the baby is pretty stoked about the extra room, too.
Stretch marks? Haven't seen any yet, but at this point...I'm not worried. If they happen, they happen...if not, great.
Sleep: Still pretty crappy. I think I'm gonna be pretty good at this "up every two hours" thing after the baby comes.
Best Moment this week: R finally feeling the baby move. Just one little kick, but he finally felt him!
Miss Anything? Nothing in the world can take the place of the magic I'm feeling now. Every kick, jab, poke, and roll is a reminder that I am blessed...I guess I can make it 5 more months without raw fish and vodka. ;-P
Movement: Yes, yes, yes!! Now, I can "tickle" his feet. Where he kicks, I kinda push in with my fingers and he kicks back again. It's a little game we play.
Food cravings: Choco Tacos. lol...thanks to a Facebook status update from a friend.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really this week...thank God.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Not real labor signs, but I have been getting Braxton Hicks contractions pretty frequently.
Symptoms: I outgrew my clothes.
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie, but the bottom half of it has smoothed way out. Belly button is almost completely wrinkle free. lol
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. :( I do miss them... But, it looks like some swelling is starting to kick in, so it'll definitely be awhile.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time...crying for no reason some of the time.
Looking forward to: Finally getting the baby room cleaned out so I can start working in there! <---Also still this. I've made zero progress in there. :( I should really get on that.

So that's where we are at 22 weeks. I've got about 5 more weeks in the 2nd trimester. It's weird...that sounds like such a long time, but then I think about the fact that we have lived here for 8 weeks's already been 2 weeks since my anatomy scan... Time really does start to zoom right by. That's part of the reason that I really need to get on the ball with that nursery and with picking a name. It seems like we have so much time left, but before we know it, summer will be over and our little man will be here. We have so much to be grateful for with this baby and I don't want a single minute to slip by without realizing how blessed we are. A friend of ours made a comment recently about how lucky our kid is that he is going to have a daddy like R. While I agree wholeheartedly, I can't help but think we are the lucky ones for having a son like Baby B.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful as ever! Where will you register? Theme for his room? Names...what's going on here!?!?! I need to get shopping! I got some neat things for you already.
