Friday, April 13, 2012

20 Week Update!!!!

It's your lucky day! Update is a day early, extended, AND as you can see....IT'S A BOY!!!!

Baby Boy B is the size of a Cantaloupe!!!!
Weighing in at 11oz and Measuring in at 6.5 Inches!
Baby has working taste buds now and can taste all of the
Yummy Food that I've been eating!

How far along? 20 Weeks!
Total weight gain: 7 Pounds at my last appointment...this will be updated by the next update.
Maternity clothes? Regular clothes still,but looks like we'll be shopping the maternity section very soon.
Stretch marks? Still no.
Sleep: Still not so good
Best Moment this week: Finding out the sex of our baby!!!
Miss Anything? Not really this week.
Movement: Yep! He is really getting down in there. Gave the u/s tech a heck of a time!
Food cravings: Comfort foods
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still raw meat.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Well, I did see a baby in there...that's a pretty big symptom
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie.
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Thrilled
Looking forward to: Getting started on the nursery and names!

So, The Anatomy Scan went well. Baby is measuring right on track, the organs and spine look good and like I said, He's a mover! There were a couple of things that showed up that I'll have to be monitored for. First is I have a mild case of Placenta Previa. My Placenta is about 4mm away from my cervix right now. It has to be 2cm away by the time I deliver or they'll do a c-section. They seemed pretty confident that this will fix itself. The other thing is Velamentous Cord Insertion. This means that the umbilical cord didn't attach in the right spot. There is nothing that they can do and nothing that I can do to fix this. They are going to monitor me for growth issues. Right now, he's right on track and this doesn't seem to be causing any problems, though. Prayers are very much appreciated for a continued healthy pregnancy.

We are super excited to finally know that we are team blue. R is beside himself that he is going to have a son. We can't wait to meet him and have him here. September can't come fast enough!


  1. Replies
    1. Awww, thanks KK!!! He's getting quite comfy in there!

  2. So thrlled for you guys (and oh yeah, Christy says she was hoping for a boy!). Prayers going your way but you'll be fine. Just take it easy and no heavy lifting. use it as an excuse for a lazy Summer. Trust me you'll be wanting one as temps and belly both swell. Love to you both from the Hastings St Household.
