Friday, June 22, 2012

A letter to my son

Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
   There was a video that went around on the internet (something you’ll learn about many years down the line) about a group of kids who bullied a grandmother on a school bus.  I didn’t watch the video.  I was too afraid of what I would see.  I heard about it, though…and it prompted me to write this letter to you.   As a mother to be, I can sometimes seem consumed by the things that we need to do to get ready for your arrival.  Clothes, diapers, crib…  But, I also think about the things that come later.  The lessons that I want to teach you.  The values that your father and I want to instill in you.    It’s hard to think of you beyond a tiny crying baby…but one day, you’ll be a big kid…then a teenager…an adult…a father yourself, someday.   (Someday FAR FAR FAR in the future.)   It’s a mighty big responsibility to prepare you for that time.  But, it’s what we signed up for when we decided to bring you into this world. 
There will be times that you will hate us.  You’ll tell us how miserable we are…that we’ve ruined your life.   That’s okay.  It means we’ve done something right.   You won’t always understand this.  It’ll come later…when you’re older and you see “kids these days” and wonder where their parents are.   But, when you tell us that we are “totally lame”…we’ll know that we’re raising a good kid.  
There will be times that you’ll feel frustrated or mad. Sad…confused…embarrassed.  That’s ALL okay.  I’m sure you hear me being ALL of those things while you’re in my tummy.   You probably hear a lot that I’ll have to explain later.   But, no matter how bad you are feeling…it’s never okay to be mean to people.  Always treat people nicely.  Always have respect for your elders. And your brothers and sisters… all of them.  Not just the ones related to you.   And, for your girlfriends  and, one day, wife.   Always treat other people with kindness and graciousness.  Even if they aren’t doing the same.   Trust me, you’ll always end up being the bigger person.    That being said…always stand up for what you know is right.  Don’t be a doormat.   
Always say “please” and “thank you.”  And everyone is “ma’am” or “sir.”   Hold the doors for ladies.  And, a smile goes a long way to brightening someone’s day.    Share.  Share your toys, share your thoughts,  share your sandwich.   Everything is infinitely better when you’re sharing it with someone else.  
Be nice to animals.  You’ll learn that pretty early on.  They will be the most loyal friends you’ll ever have.   They will love you unconditionally and all they ask for in return is a belly rub and some kibble. 
There is SO much that I want you to know…that I want to teach you.   This little letter barely skims the surface.    Most of it will be learned through life lessons. Some easy…some very very hard.   But, through all of it…I want you to know that we love you SO much and are already so proud of you.   I can’t wait until you are here so that I can finally tell you that while looking into your eyes.    Until then…I’ll continue telling you through my belly and hope that you feel how hard my heart beats for you. 


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