Thursday, June 7, 2012

27 Week Update!!!

(Because Marley wanted to be in the picture, too....)

Seriously...I've reached an all-time low. I'm 2 days away from 28 weeks and I'm just now posting the 27 week update. If the picture itself says anything...I've been super tired and just plain lazy. I thought about just holding off and doing a 27/28 week update...but then I figured I was only kidding myself if I thought I was going to get Week 28 out on time. Oh well... All info is based on 27 weeks, so it may not be quite accurate for the current day.

How far along? 27 Weeks! THIRD TRIMESTER!!!
Total weight gain: 25 pounds. This is as of today, actually. I did not gain 3lbs in one week, I SWEAR.
Maternity Clothes?: Yep. Sadly, I outgrew my favorite pair of PJ pants. I didn't know you COULD outgrow PJ pants!
Stretch marks? Not that I can tell...I'm probably covered in them, but too pastey to tell...
Sleep: What is that?!
Best Moment this week: Almost having the nursery cleaned out.
Miss Anything? Bending over.
Movement: Yep...He's hiccuping, and apparently working on his army crawl. Feels like all knees and elbows in there.
Food cravings: Cake.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: crankiness and super emotional
Belly Button in or out? Flat still...I'm not sure if it's ever going to pop.
Wedding rings on or off? THE RING IS BACK ON, PEOPLE!!!! No more dermatitis and for the time being, I can still get it on and off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Kinda emotional and cranky the last few days. <--Still this. Looking forward to: Getting the nursery done. Hopefully we can start painting this weekend and get everything ready cause NEXT weekend is my SHOWER!!!

I'm a bit too tired today to go into full updates and details, so I'll save that for 28 weeks. I apparently skipped right over the 2nd tri "energy rush" and into 3rd tri "energy crash." Good times.

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