Sunday, May 27, 2012

26 Week Update!!

^^All dressed up with somewhere to go!! Date Night!!^^

Well, let's just give ourselves a big ol' pat on the back for getting this update done only 1 day late. *pats self*

How far along? 26 Weeks!
Total weight gain: 22 pounds
Maternity Clothes?: Yep. I need some more,actually. This has not changed since Wednesday.
Stretch marks? None yet. We still have 14 weeks to go, though.
Sleep: The body pillow has really helped to alleviate the strain on my hips, but I still wake up to pee 3x's a night.
Best Moment this week: Date night with R at The Melting Pot!
Miss Anything? My energy levels
Movement: Yep...he's still showing me who's boss in there.
Food cravings: Not food...been craving beer. So, I bought some Non-Alcoholic Coors. mmmmm...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: crankiness
Belly Button in or out? Flat. And,itchy. And, sometimes sore.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. But, I shoved my big ol' fat finger into it for our Date Night last night. Oh, how I missed it.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Kinda emotional and cranky the last few days.
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery done. Going home in a couple of weeks and THEN my parents and aunt come up here!!!!

It's been an interesting weekend. We got up Saturday and began the day. We went to Walmart to pick out paint and get supplies and eat lunch. R took me to Cliff's for some ice cream. YAY! We were on our way home to start working on the dresser when the sky fell out. Lightning like I haven't seen in MONTHS and thunder and torrential downpours. We got home and opened all the windows and sat in the sunroom. He had a pina colada while I thoroughly enjoyed my Coors NA. We decided that we would start on Sunday (today) with the dresser, get that knocked out and finish cleaning out the nursery. Then, we would spend Monday maybe swimming or fishing and then paint that afternoon in the nursery. So, we scrapped our plans of doing anything else productive for the evening and went out to dinner at The Melting Pot. OMG, it was AMAZING. I've never been to TMP before and let me just tell you... I could eat my weight in cheese and chocolate and this place did not disappoint. It was really nice to get all dressed up and go out for a nice dinner. I've been feeling fat, hot, and sweaty for awhile now and we've been too beat to get out and do much... This was a nice little break from the couch.

Well, it's so funny how things quickly get knocked off kilter. We did get up bright and early, and we did get that dresser sanded, primed and painted...but that's where our productivity ends. Poor R... While we were painting, he fell down the driveway. (It's okay to laugh...we all have...we're trying to come up with a better story that doesn't include "she pushed me" in it) He messed up his ankle pretty bad. After a couple of texts and a Facebook APB out to my nurse/emt friends...we decided to go to the ER.

For it being Memorial Day weekend and all, we were worried we'd be there ALL freaking night long. However, when we got there, it was dead. Probably should have been our first sign to run away. But, that's another story for another day. Long story, short... R got an x-ray and while his ankle isn't broken, he has a Stage 2 sprain. Per the ER doc, Stage 3 would have meant surgery. *sigh* He's on crutches for a couple of weeks and on an air cast for 4 it's looking like my decorating partner in crime is out of commission for a bit. Hopefully, I can get this all done myself and get him healed up in time to enjoy some of the summer. I feel just terrible for him, though...

So, it's looking like tomorrow will consist more of me cleaning the house, cleaning the nursery out, taping the walls, and maaaaaybe getting some paint on them...but I'm not hopeful. At least, the dresser is painted. Now, I just need to find some pretty fabric to line the drawers and some nice new hardware. I'll definitely be doing a before and after post of the dresser project and of the nursery once it's all set up. In the meantime....Nurse Astin is on duty.

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