Wednesday, May 16, 2012

24 Week Update!!

You would have had this update last night...however after an hour of editing the computer crashed. Nice, huh?

How far along? 24 Weeks! Viability, baby!
Total weight gain: As expected, 20 pounds. I bought a scale and shit-ton of fruit. I'm on it,guys.
Maternity Clothes?: Yes...slowly but surely, remnants of my former self are being shoved into boxes and bags.
Stretch marks? Still haven't seen any...
Sleep: Craptastic. I'm buying a snoogle this weekend.
Best Moment this week: Finding the Mothership. A Real Walmart...AND BRU...AND TJ Maxx...AND Bed Bath & Beyond...
Miss Anything? Not really this week.
Movement: Yep...he's an active little guy. I think we have a field goal kicker on our hands.
Food cravings: Oreos and chocolate chip cookies. Haven't had EITHER yet. :(
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: Pretty much the same as always...the fact that I feel him kick me in the bladder is a sure sign I'm pregnant.
Belly Button in or out? Flat. And,though I took the ring out years ago, I'm seriously regretting ever piercing my belly button
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week.
Looking forward to: Seeing everyone a month from today!!!

Wow, lots to update today. So, I had an appointment on Monday and everything is looking great. It was just a pee, weigh, measure, listen appointment, but his little heart sounded great and I assume the tape measure test was good. I was very apprehensive about the weigh in, but fortunately, my OB didn't seem concerned about 20 lbs. I don't feel like I weigh 140. I me, it seems like the weight is all boobs and belly, but I see myself every day and wouldn't exactly notice some extra fluff elsewhere. But, because it's better for both of us, I've started eating healthier. I now make and take my breakfast every morning (english muffin, low fat pb and a piece of fruit) and I have been making my lunch as well (PB and Banana on tortilla, stick of colby/jack) and I've been eating so much fruit, the Fruit of the Loom band would run away from me. I'm not to worry about the gain. I'm sure that a few extra pounds wouldn't hurt me anyway, but I'm terrified of getting GD or putting my baby at risk just because I can't step away from the Ho-ho's. (That's what HE, I'm not funny)

As mentioned above, I finally found the mothership. A strip mall with pretty much every store a girl needs to breath in this world. Including BRU. I decided, what the hell...I'll go ahead and go in and put some stuff on my registry. If you are reading this and have registered at BRU, I don't have to tell you how overwhelming it is. It's aisles upon aisles of stuff that you never realized you NEEDED. lol... I honestly didn't have a clue walking in. Fortunately, they give you a little goody bag with a handy little book that tells you what to register for and how many of each item. I was lost WITH the book...I'd have been found curled up in the fetal position in a crib without it. If I had been left to my own devices, I'd have registered for a sheet, some diapers, and maybe a stuffed animal. I didn't even think about bottles (I plan on breastfeeding, but need bottles for pumped milk, genius) Burp cloths? Towels? LOTION?! lol.... I had to use a lifeline and call in reinforcements. My friends with kids. I seriously had no idea what to There came a point where I realized that life is awfully funny. You have to have a license to drive, to sell insurance, they required my fingerprints to do data entry at an insurance agency... But, in September, they are going to let me walk out of a hospital with an INFANT with no other experience or credentials other than pushing him out. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?! I've never even changed a DIAPER! I sure hope it's true when they say that it comes "naturally" because at this point, I'm terrified. How will I know if he's hungry or wet? Sick or scared? How do I juggle a baby in one arm and anything else in the other? Man, I hope this all gets worked out in the next few months.

Aside from the crippling fear of "Holy CRAP, I'm gonna be a MOM!" There were points during my adventures in BRU that I would start to tear up at the realization that the stuff I'm looking at and for MY baby. I'M gonna have a BABY! And, even though I'm scared half to death that I am going to "do it wrong", I can't freaking wait to try. I can't wait to hold him in my arms and look into those eyes and give him his first bath. A friend of mine had her baby boy a couple of days ago...She looks so happy in her pictures and he is cute as a button. I can't wait for that moment where they place him on my chest and I meet my son for the first time.


  1. You look so pretty! And your gonna be a great mama! Lol you can always tell how good mom someone is going to be by the way they treat their animals, and you love and treat them like royalty.

  2. Best Blog picture so look gorgeous. I loved the second trimester of pregnancy. You look like you do too! Your weight is perfect, eat what you want girl. BRU is scary, there is so much stuff in there....just wait until you start trying to decide what babyfood you want to use AFTER your done making your own, cause I know you will try. *GRIN* I had no idea you had never changed a diaper....well why didnt you speak up, you could have got plenty of practice over here! hahaha! Your gonna be fine, they dont come with instructions & no two are got to go with your will feel everything! Being a Mom is the hardest job you will ever do. I am confident in you though. :)
