Wednesday, May 23, 2012

25 Week Update!! (Plus 4 days)

I really have a valid excuse this week. See, I had a follow up scan today and I wanted to be able to update you guys on that at the same time. Really!!! No?? Not buying it?? Okay, I was another case of laziness and unwillingness to do anything with myself. That and all the shopping I did at yard sales this week!

How far along? 25 Weeks! (plus 4...)
Total weight gain: 22 pounds
Maternity Clothes?: Yep. I need some more,actually.
Stretch marks? Still haven't seen any...but, that's not to say they aren't coming. My belly has done some MAJOR stretching lately.
Sleep: Ugh...I bought a body pillow which helps with the aches and pains, but not with the tossing and turning.
Best Moment this week: Finding out that baby boy is growing on track AND my placenta has moved UP!
Miss Anything? My feet...I miss seeing them.
Movement: Yep...I put headphones on my belly the other night and played some Grateful Dead for him. He went NUTS!
Food cravings: Bad stuff again. And, this time...I indulged. Love chocolate chip cookies.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: Various aches and pains
Belly Button in or out? Flat. And,itchy.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...very VERY happy.
Looking forward to: This weekend! Getting the nursery started!

Wow, what a productive week! R and I spent the weekend scouring yard sales looking for a couple of pieces of furniture. A stand to hold his wine fridge and a dresser for Baby Boy. Well, we found both for a rocking $15 each! YAY!!! This weekend, I'll be sanding, painting, lining and re-handling the dresser. R also installed my new closet shelf and I am getting that room all cleared out and ready to roll for paint and furniture!

If you'll remember, back at my 20 week anatomy scan, the tech discovered that I had partial placenta previa and Velementous Cord Insertion. The previa would fix itself, but the insertion issue might cause growth delays. Today, I had my follow up from that scan. My little guy is not only growing in leaps and bounds, he's at the top of the average for this week's weight gain! YAY! Also, my tech said that my placenta has moved so far away from my cervix, she didn't even have to measure it. Double yay!

I had been very worried about the previa. If it didn't fix itself enough, I'd have been scheduled a c-section sometime between 37 and 39 weeks to ensure I didn't go into labor on my own. If baby were to break through the placenta, it could cause massive blood loss for me. NOT an ideal birth story. Fortunately, things have changed and I can move forward with my plans for a med-free vaginal birth. (Barring any unforseen circumstances, of course)

I was also concerned about Baby B's growth. When I got pregnant, I was terrified that I would birth a toddler. R and I were both very small babies...under 7 pounds each. However, it seems as though in this day and age, bigger babies are the norm. But, when I was told my sweet boy might have growth delays, I knew in my heart that I would gladly birth a 10 pound baby through my nose if it meant he was healthy. While I'm still scared of a big baby, as any woman who plans on going med free would be, I'm so proud of little man for putting on the pounds in there. He's so chubby and cute.

I have one more update after this in my 2nd trimester. Hard to believe that in a week and a half, I'll be in 3rd tri and in the home stretch. 101 days left!

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