Sunday, August 26, 2012

39 Week Update!!

OMG, how are we already here??? With only one week til my due date, I'm still scrambling to get things done. I still feel like I'm just going to be pregnant forever, but I know that's not the case.

How far along? 39 Weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain: 46 ish pounds
Maternity Clothes?: Yep.
Stretch marks? Yep and they itch like a MF. I'm lucky enough to get the pregnancy rash on top of it all.
Sleep: Not great. Acid reflux has set in. Fun times.
Best Moment this week: Getting the nursery done!
Miss Anything? Bending over and walking without feeling like I'm going to drop a baby at any moment.
Movement: Yep. Still rocking and rolling. They say at this point, movement slows. Not so much for this kid.
Food cravings: Milk again. Like crazy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just insane heartburn.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Contractions here and there, he's dropped a bit...I'm pretty sure I've lost my MP. For those who don't know what that really don't want to know.
Symptoms: RLP, Contractions, swelling, can no longer walk without pain
Belly Button in or out? Eh, pretty much flat except one little piece at the top...
Wedding rings on or off? Back off. :-( The hormone induced dermatitis made it's return.
Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER emotional. I may or may not be just a little terrified of what's to come.
Looking forward to: Meeting the kidlet. I'm so ready for this to be over and for him to be in my arms. This is pretty much still the case. This and football season which also starts in less than a week. WPS!!

I'm kinda hoping this will be my last pregnancy update. As much as I'd loooove to make it to September, I'm just THAT exhausted that I think even a week more of this is too much. I've been having little cramps here and there and so I'm hoping that's a good sign and that things are starting to be on their way. I have another appointment on Tuesday so I'm really hoping that everything that's gone on in the last week means that progress is being made. Keep your fingers crossed that by this time next week, our little Munchkin is here and we can start doing BABY updates!

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