Tuesday, March 6, 2012

From the Farm to the Shore

Okay, so perhaps my title is a little misleading. I've never lived on a farm...and I don't quite live on the shore. In fact, I'm about 45 minutes away from the shore...on a good day with no traffic. However, as the title MIGHT suggest, there have been some changes in the months since I last updated my blog.

First, my apologies on the looooonnnggg absence. The holidays quickly consumed what spare time I had to get on here and write and then when things did slow down...they didn't.

I guess the biggest change to announce at this point is...I'm Pregnant! Yay! At this point, I am 14.5 weeks. I feel like death and haven't been able to do hardly anything for weeks. But, that being said, I'm grateful to be pregnant and can't wait to welcome our very first little one in early September.

We found out we were expecting on December 26th. Which would explain the gorgefest of food on Christmas day. Don't judge me... I know I've always eaten like I'm never going to again, but this was different.

A couple of weeks later, we found out that,SURPRISE, we are getting transferred to NEW JERSEY. Wow, really? When R first took the job with his company a year and a half ago, they said that he probably would be transferred out after about a year. I was prepared for that. BUT, I had told him from the get-go, No way in HELL am I moving to New York, New Jersey, or Texas. So, imagine my horror when New Freaking Jersey itself came up in the transfer. However, being the open minded person that I am, I only grumbled for a couple of weeks. Then it was decided. We'd do this. Well...not that we had much of a choice. With a baby on the way, we can't very well just let go of a huge opportunity like this...or risk him losing his job for not being a team player and all that.

So, two weeks ago, we hopped on a plane and came out to Jersey...or Joisey, as my Arkansans like to call it...and found a place to live. We found a cute little place right on the lake with a gorgeous view for only a few hundred more than what we were paying in Arkansas. Unfortunately, we had to move a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath house into a 2 bedroom, 1 bath house... Not such an easy feat when you really see the place. Our house back home had huge rooms, a kitchen to die for, and a pantry that you could have put a twin bed in. This house...well, let's just say that the rooms are roughly the size of closets, the kitchen is the size of our biggest bathroom back home, and the pantry...it's a cabinet.

All that being said, it is a cute and clean place and we will adjust and downsize which is never a bad thing. And, I can't complain one iota about being pregnant in the summer here as opposed to being pregnant in the summer down south.

This brings me to today. I'm sitting in the midst of boxes that need to be unpacked before they become permanent fixtures of the place, and I'm SICK! New Jersey apparently likes me as much as I liked it coming in...I woke up the first day here with congestion. I figured it was just the weather change and that as I adjusted from the 80 degree weather we left to the 30 degree weather we arrived in...it'd go away. Not.So.Much. Three days later, I'm coughing, hacking, sneezing, sniffling, threatening all people in my path...and wishing like hell that I could take something decent for it. But, I'll tough it out as best I can. It can't last forever, right?? Also, I have to find a job. And, fast. Hopefully, my baby belly will stay under wraps long enough for me to find a job.

Speaking of Baby Belly...not much to report at this point. Still nothing really. I will start posting "bump" pictures this weekend when I hit 15 weeks and will probably do a pregnancy update on Saturdays as that is when my weeks change over. I know what you are all thinking... "whatever happened to Sunday video tutorials???" Well, I haven't forgotten...exactly. Just gotten busy. I promise I will do my best to do those as well. Although, I'm not going to lie...Pregnancy has not been kind to me as far as my looks go, so if I do get around to posting the videos...don't judge. It's the hormones, I swear...they'll eventually go away and I hope to look like my normal self again soon.

I guess that's all the updates I have for now. Once the place is in order and clean, I'll have some pictures up. AND, I have a few months worth of Birchbox reviews to post, so I'll try to get to those soon as well.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

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