Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Still Settling In

Wow, the past few days have flown by! It seems like I JUST posted my Saturday update! Sorry to leave you all hanging. Got a lot to catch up on, I see, so let's get to it.

Things that I've learned this week:

Hardwood floors suck. There is absolutely no way I can keep up with the hair and dust!!! It took me an hour and a half the other day to sweep. SWEEP! I live in a tiny house! I only have so many rooms. Yet, it still took an hour and a half. And, by the end of that time...it looked like I hadn't even touched it. I really need a Roomba. (So, Roomba makers...if, by some stroke of luck, you are reading this...I'll gladly take one off your hands. It can even be an employee's old, used one...I don't care.)

Our TV still isn't hooked up. Can't say I miss it much. I think I'm okay without cable. I'd like to hook it up so that I can watch all of the movies that R hates since I am at home for the time being...but as far as the cable goes, I'm good.

I can never go into a vet's office while pregnant again. That's all I'm saying for now.

Fishing licenses are VERY expensive here.

The house is starting to take on some resemblance of home. The boxes are becoming few and the odds and ends are slowly finding a place to go. We haven't hung any pictures yet. I miss those. With the white walls, hardwood floors, and neutral furnishings...I feel our house is very beige and bland. I need my art to add some color and personality to this place. And, I severely need to get on top of our laundry. That's a little hard to do since I have NO place to put my clothes and the laundry room is outside in the basement. It smells funny down there and I hate to go in there. It's kinda scary.

I'm still trying to find a job. I'm so frustrated at this point. I had what I thought was a pretty good lead and landed a couple of interviews with a "well known and established insurance company." Only to find out that it is nothing but a major pyramid scheme. Which is disheartening. When a 130 year old company resorts to petty marketing to get money...I start to lose faith that there is something out there for me. But, I'm still trucking along. It is looking like I'm going to have to go the restaurant route...for at least a little while until I can find something.

My doctor appointment is tomorrow, so I'm really excited about that. Fingers crossed that the appointment goes well and that everything is right on track.

I know there is so much more that I wanted to say...to tell you all about, but for some reason my mind draws a blank tonight. I hate that. I can write a blog in my head for days...taking mental notes here and there...but then I go to pour it out on here and my memory fails me. Ahhh...getting older or just plain getting old? Anyway, I guess that's it for now. I'll start actually writing stuff down so that when I get here, I have something more to say.

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