Saturday, March 17, 2012

16 Week Update!!

Don't judge me. We spent today out on the dock fishing and enjoying this beautiful weather. I have on no makeup and I'm looking a bit rough.

How far along? 16 Weeks...4 MONTHS!!!
Total weight gain: Still not sure, but I have an appointment on Wednesday!
Maternity clothes? Regular clothes still. But, I can tell my clothes are getting shorter and tighter.
Stretch marks? Still no. But, every time I scratch my belly and it leaves red marks, it freaks me out so bad!
Sleep: Starting to get MUCH harder. I have to actually attempt to sleep on my left side now. Never realized I was a stomach sleeper until now!
Best Moment this week: Finding my way to a few places in Parsippany and only getting lost ONCE! Woot!
Miss Anything? Apparently sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: Nope. And, I can't wait. Especially now that I'm so close to it being that time.
Food cravings: I had an intense craving for tomato sandwiches this week...and I fully indulged in that. Now I'm craving meat. Lots of meat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still get queasy if I don't eat.
Gender Predictions: Ugh...I wish I DID have an idea. But, none. Hopefully we'll find out this week!
Labor Signs: Nope. Thought I had Braxton Hicks the other day, but it turns out it was probably Round Ligament Pain.
Symptoms: Hungry. All. The. Time.
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie, but it's starting to get more shallow!
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: I don't know...and Robert won't answer the question. LOL!
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex and starting to pick out names!!!

So, that's pretty much it for 16 weeks. I can't believe we're getting close to finding out the sex and feeling the baby move. It seems like just yesterday we were going in for our first ultrasound. Send lots of prayers this way, please, that our appointment on Wednesday goes well and that they do an ultrasound. lol...But, really...just pray for a healthy heartbeat even if we don't find out anything else.

Also, I DID film a video for my Sunday Tutorial!!!! BUT, I got to talking on it and it's like 40 minutes long and I can't figure out how to edit it down. Soooo...still looking like a no-go for tomorrow. But, hey, at least we're on the right track, right? Right?!

Thanks for reading and remember...I love comments!!!

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