Friday, March 9, 2012

Two Steps Forward...

So, we've been here for about a week now. It's kinda surreal. I've gotten my kitchen unpacked enough to cook a couple of meals. Still trying to figure out the nuances of my new stove, so nothing really noteworthy on that front. It's funny, though...everyone always talks about how backwards and "out of touch" Arkansas is. Until we moved to New Jersey, I had never experienced the following:

Well Water
No Dishwasher
No central A/C
No Electric heat

And until the last house we lived in before leaving, I'd never NOT had a garbage disposal.

Now, I have well water, no dishwasher, no central a/c, Oil heat, and no garbage disposal. Our water pressure is also pretty questionable. It seems to me that New Jersey is the backwards state, now. I mean...get with the program! I guess I should just feel grateful that we even HAVE running water, and I am...I just find it slightly ironic, that's all.

I've spent the last few days, several hours a day, hunting for a job. I come away from each day feeling less and less excited about the prospects. I had hoped that up here, there might be more opportunities for someone who had a wealth of experience and excellent work ethic, but no college degree. Looks like I was mistaken. I kinda feel I will always be chasing a dream that I cannot quite obtain. Why, oh why did I waste all those years in school? And, why can't I make a living doing something that I positively love??? Like writing? Or taking pictures? Or even working from home...where I can throw open the windows and enjoy the breeze even if I am doing work? But, it seems even life's simplest pleasures require some form of official documentation these days.

I read lots of different bloggers who apparently make enough money off of their blogs to make a living...and they still have these awesome creative careers on the side. Hairstyling, jewelry making, crafting, etc. Sometimes, I'll stop and think that maybe that could be me...but then I have to shake off the whimsical dreams of a carefree youth and remember that I have responsibilities. I have a husband and a baby on the way. I can't just throw whatever caution to the wind and dabble in this or that until I find my niche. So...I trudge back to the websites and the newspapers and hope that the perfect job will come my way soon. Very soon.

Maybe once I get said job, I can take some time to focus on creating with my hands some more...even if I can't make a living off of it...maybe there is still time for me to at least make some happiness.

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