Sunday, May 27, 2012

26 Week Update!!

^^All dressed up with somewhere to go!! Date Night!!^^

Well, let's just give ourselves a big ol' pat on the back for getting this update done only 1 day late. *pats self*

How far along? 26 Weeks!
Total weight gain: 22 pounds
Maternity Clothes?: Yep. I need some more,actually. This has not changed since Wednesday.
Stretch marks? None yet. We still have 14 weeks to go, though.
Sleep: The body pillow has really helped to alleviate the strain on my hips, but I still wake up to pee 3x's a night.
Best Moment this week: Date night with R at The Melting Pot!
Miss Anything? My energy levels
Movement: Yep...he's still showing me who's boss in there.
Food cravings: Not food...been craving beer. So, I bought some Non-Alcoholic Coors. mmmmm...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: crankiness
Belly Button in or out? Flat. And,itchy. And, sometimes sore.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. But, I shoved my big ol' fat finger into it for our Date Night last night. Oh, how I missed it.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Kinda emotional and cranky the last few days.
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery done. Going home in a couple of weeks and THEN my parents and aunt come up here!!!!

It's been an interesting weekend. We got up Saturday and began the day. We went to Walmart to pick out paint and get supplies and eat lunch. R took me to Cliff's for some ice cream. YAY! We were on our way home to start working on the dresser when the sky fell out. Lightning like I haven't seen in MONTHS and thunder and torrential downpours. We got home and opened all the windows and sat in the sunroom. He had a pina colada while I thoroughly enjoyed my Coors NA. We decided that we would start on Sunday (today) with the dresser, get that knocked out and finish cleaning out the nursery. Then, we would spend Monday maybe swimming or fishing and then paint that afternoon in the nursery. So, we scrapped our plans of doing anything else productive for the evening and went out to dinner at The Melting Pot. OMG, it was AMAZING. I've never been to TMP before and let me just tell you... I could eat my weight in cheese and chocolate and this place did not disappoint. It was really nice to get all dressed up and go out for a nice dinner. I've been feeling fat, hot, and sweaty for awhile now and we've been too beat to get out and do much... This was a nice little break from the couch.

Well, it's so funny how things quickly get knocked off kilter. We did get up bright and early, and we did get that dresser sanded, primed and painted...but that's where our productivity ends. Poor R... While we were painting, he fell down the driveway. (It's okay to laugh...we all have...we're trying to come up with a better story that doesn't include "she pushed me" in it) He messed up his ankle pretty bad. After a couple of texts and a Facebook APB out to my nurse/emt friends...we decided to go to the ER.

For it being Memorial Day weekend and all, we were worried we'd be there ALL freaking night long. However, when we got there, it was dead. Probably should have been our first sign to run away. But, that's another story for another day. Long story, short... R got an x-ray and while his ankle isn't broken, he has a Stage 2 sprain. Per the ER doc, Stage 3 would have meant surgery. *sigh* He's on crutches for a couple of weeks and on an air cast for 4 it's looking like my decorating partner in crime is out of commission for a bit. Hopefully, I can get this all done myself and get him healed up in time to enjoy some of the summer. I feel just terrible for him, though...

So, it's looking like tomorrow will consist more of me cleaning the house, cleaning the nursery out, taping the walls, and maaaaaybe getting some paint on them...but I'm not hopeful. At least, the dresser is painted. Now, I just need to find some pretty fabric to line the drawers and some nice new hardware. I'll definitely be doing a before and after post of the dresser project and of the nursery once it's all set up. In the meantime....Nurse Astin is on duty.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

25 Week Update!! (Plus 4 days)

I really have a valid excuse this week. See, I had a follow up scan today and I wanted to be able to update you guys on that at the same time. Really!!! No?? Not buying it?? Okay, I was another case of laziness and unwillingness to do anything with myself. That and all the shopping I did at yard sales this week!

How far along? 25 Weeks! (plus 4...)
Total weight gain: 22 pounds
Maternity Clothes?: Yep. I need some more,actually.
Stretch marks? Still haven't seen any...but, that's not to say they aren't coming. My belly has done some MAJOR stretching lately.
Sleep: Ugh...I bought a body pillow which helps with the aches and pains, but not with the tossing and turning.
Best Moment this week: Finding out that baby boy is growing on track AND my placenta has moved UP!
Miss Anything? My feet...I miss seeing them.
Movement: Yep...I put headphones on my belly the other night and played some Grateful Dead for him. He went NUTS!
Food cravings: Bad stuff again. And, this time...I indulged. Love chocolate chip cookies.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: Various aches and pains
Belly Button in or out? Flat. And,itchy.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...very VERY happy.
Looking forward to: This weekend! Getting the nursery started!

Wow, what a productive week! R and I spent the weekend scouring yard sales looking for a couple of pieces of furniture. A stand to hold his wine fridge and a dresser for Baby Boy. Well, we found both for a rocking $15 each! YAY!!! This weekend, I'll be sanding, painting, lining and re-handling the dresser. R also installed my new closet shelf and I am getting that room all cleared out and ready to roll for paint and furniture!

If you'll remember, back at my 20 week anatomy scan, the tech discovered that I had partial placenta previa and Velementous Cord Insertion. The previa would fix itself, but the insertion issue might cause growth delays. Today, I had my follow up from that scan. My little guy is not only growing in leaps and bounds, he's at the top of the average for this week's weight gain! YAY! Also, my tech said that my placenta has moved so far away from my cervix, she didn't even have to measure it. Double yay!

I had been very worried about the previa. If it didn't fix itself enough, I'd have been scheduled a c-section sometime between 37 and 39 weeks to ensure I didn't go into labor on my own. If baby were to break through the placenta, it could cause massive blood loss for me. NOT an ideal birth story. Fortunately, things have changed and I can move forward with my plans for a med-free vaginal birth. (Barring any unforseen circumstances, of course)

I was also concerned about Baby B's growth. When I got pregnant, I was terrified that I would birth a toddler. R and I were both very small babies...under 7 pounds each. However, it seems as though in this day and age, bigger babies are the norm. But, when I was told my sweet boy might have growth delays, I knew in my heart that I would gladly birth a 10 pound baby through my nose if it meant he was healthy. While I'm still scared of a big baby, as any woman who plans on going med free would be, I'm so proud of little man for putting on the pounds in there. He's so chubby and cute.

I have one more update after this in my 2nd trimester. Hard to believe that in a week and a half, I'll be in 3rd tri and in the home stretch. 101 days left!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

24 Week Update!!

You would have had this update last night...however after an hour of editing the computer crashed. Nice, huh?

How far along? 24 Weeks! Viability, baby!
Total weight gain: As expected, 20 pounds. I bought a scale and shit-ton of fruit. I'm on it,guys.
Maternity Clothes?: Yes...slowly but surely, remnants of my former self are being shoved into boxes and bags.
Stretch marks? Still haven't seen any...
Sleep: Craptastic. I'm buying a snoogle this weekend.
Best Moment this week: Finding the Mothership. A Real Walmart...AND BRU...AND TJ Maxx...AND Bed Bath & Beyond...
Miss Anything? Not really this week.
Movement: Yep...he's an active little guy. I think we have a field goal kicker on our hands.
Food cravings: Oreos and chocolate chip cookies. Haven't had EITHER yet. :(
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: Pretty much the same as always...the fact that I feel him kick me in the bladder is a sure sign I'm pregnant.
Belly Button in or out? Flat. And,though I took the ring out years ago, I'm seriously regretting ever piercing my belly button
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week.
Looking forward to: Seeing everyone a month from today!!!

Wow, lots to update today. So, I had an appointment on Monday and everything is looking great. It was just a pee, weigh, measure, listen appointment, but his little heart sounded great and I assume the tape measure test was good. I was very apprehensive about the weigh in, but fortunately, my OB didn't seem concerned about 20 lbs. I don't feel like I weigh 140. I me, it seems like the weight is all boobs and belly, but I see myself every day and wouldn't exactly notice some extra fluff elsewhere. But, because it's better for both of us, I've started eating healthier. I now make and take my breakfast every morning (english muffin, low fat pb and a piece of fruit) and I have been making my lunch as well (PB and Banana on tortilla, stick of colby/jack) and I've been eating so much fruit, the Fruit of the Loom band would run away from me. I'm not to worry about the gain. I'm sure that a few extra pounds wouldn't hurt me anyway, but I'm terrified of getting GD or putting my baby at risk just because I can't step away from the Ho-ho's. (That's what HE, I'm not funny)

As mentioned above, I finally found the mothership. A strip mall with pretty much every store a girl needs to breath in this world. Including BRU. I decided, what the hell...I'll go ahead and go in and put some stuff on my registry. If you are reading this and have registered at BRU, I don't have to tell you how overwhelming it is. It's aisles upon aisles of stuff that you never realized you NEEDED. lol... I honestly didn't have a clue walking in. Fortunately, they give you a little goody bag with a handy little book that tells you what to register for and how many of each item. I was lost WITH the book...I'd have been found curled up in the fetal position in a crib without it. If I had been left to my own devices, I'd have registered for a sheet, some diapers, and maybe a stuffed animal. I didn't even think about bottles (I plan on breastfeeding, but need bottles for pumped milk, genius) Burp cloths? Towels? LOTION?! lol.... I had to use a lifeline and call in reinforcements. My friends with kids. I seriously had no idea what to There came a point where I realized that life is awfully funny. You have to have a license to drive, to sell insurance, they required my fingerprints to do data entry at an insurance agency... But, in September, they are going to let me walk out of a hospital with an INFANT with no other experience or credentials other than pushing him out. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?! I've never even changed a DIAPER! I sure hope it's true when they say that it comes "naturally" because at this point, I'm terrified. How will I know if he's hungry or wet? Sick or scared? How do I juggle a baby in one arm and anything else in the other? Man, I hope this all gets worked out in the next few months.

Aside from the crippling fear of "Holy CRAP, I'm gonna be a MOM!" There were points during my adventures in BRU that I would start to tear up at the realization that the stuff I'm looking at and for MY baby. I'M gonna have a BABY! And, even though I'm scared half to death that I am going to "do it wrong", I can't freaking wait to try. I can't wait to hold him in my arms and look into those eyes and give him his first bath. A friend of mine had her baby boy a couple of days ago...She looks so happy in her pictures and he is cute as a button. I can't wait for that moment where they place him on my chest and I meet my son for the first time.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sharing the Road

I've owed you all a life update for awhile now. I'm sorry for slacking on that. It's just that I'm so tired when I get home from work and I don't want to cheat you all out of a decent and well thought out blog. So, I'm making an attempt tonight...seeing as I *should* be posting a baby update tomorrow... We'll see how that goes.

Let's see...well...we've now lived in New Jersey for two months. Wow. Some days it seems like we just got here. Like, when I'm looking around the house at all the stuff that still remains undone. Other days, it feels like we've been here forever. Like, when I realize that it's been 2 months since I've eaten at Sonic or been to a proper mall. But, things are slowly and surely starting to have some semblance of normalcy. We've fallen into a nice little routine. I've been back at work for a month now and while I still have that "holy crap, how are we going to pay our bills" freak out moment, I know that things are getting better. I still haven't really made any friends. I thought that when I got a job, I might meet some people to hang out with. However, I work with a bunch of older older lady and a couple of guys my age. With the time difference and life going on and's hard to touch base with friends back home. There are times when I get a little lonely...but I do appreciate this time that I get to spend with R before the baby comes. We've been bonding on a whole new level since coming out here. I had feared that the combination of moving and having a baby would put a strain on our relationship. I can't say much about what will happen after the baby gets here, but I think having only each other to lean on has really strengthened our marriage. He remains an incredible pillar of strength for me and has been so attentive to what I need. Not that he wasn't this way before we moved... I guess I just see it more clearly now. Also, shoving us back into a teeny tiny house has more or less returned us to our roots. We're reminded of the time when we lived in a little 730 square foot, 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment. We're relearning how to adjust to each others' nuances. His socks, my dishes...the dog and cat fur everywhere.

The one thing I can't seem to adjust to...the drivers out here in Jersey. Dear Lord, where do I even start? There is a complete disregard for the "rules of the road" out here. I'm fairly certain there is no actual driver's test or class...otherwise, nobody here would be allowed to operate a car. I have an idea that perhaps they just sell them on the street corner along with hotdogs and pizza. Here are a few examples... I-80 is wide're getting up to interstate speed (65mph, people!) and the jackwagon in front of you has come to a complete stop trying to merge onto the interstate. What he's waiting on, I have no idea, but by God, he's waiting for something before he gets over in the lane. Now...2 days later... Monday morning...I-80 is bumper to bumper...same Jackwagon is BLOWING past everyone on the shoulder trying to squeeze into a space that may or may not be big enough for his hoopty. Okay... I get're an idiot. I get there are idiots in this world and all we can do is bless their hearts and go on. But, unfortunately, that's not where it ends. The "lane ends, merge" sign is another source of confusion for the New Jersey commuter. These people drive these roads every single day. They KNOW their lane, at some point, becomes a grove of trees...or a strip mall. But, they still insist on backing up traffic and honking at people who are in the CORRECT lane for being in their way. Another area that causes New Jersey drivers to completely lose their shit is blinkers. If you put your blinker on to get over, they will just about break their necks to close the gap so you can't change lanes. And, they sure won't use one to cut over in front of you. It's like an alternate universe on the road out here. Every single day the traffic report prattles off a list of accidents in the New Jersey/New York area and I can't help but's because these people can't drive for shit.

Moving on to other culture shocks. Ladies that still live down South...I know you think Chivalry is dead. Up is. Down there...well...there's still a shred of hope. Now, I'm no Pollyanna. The language that comes out of my mouth would shame a sailor...especially after dealing with the above group of people. However, at least back home...guys would be gentlemen about it. They may let an obscenity slip or tell a racy joke and immediately they would look to me in guilt and apologize. To which I always would tell them that my mama had filthier mouths than they did and I wasn't bothered. Up took 4 weeks before someone made such a concession to me. Now, again...I'm not offended by it, but still...they don't know that about me. While that doesn't bother me...this does: MEN...When you see a lady coming, HOLD THE DOOR FOR HER! When a simple gesture such as that goes undone, it makes me think they weren't brought up right. I don't care who you are or where you're from...hell...I don't care if you are a man or woman...if you see ANYONE walking up to the door, hold the door for them. The other day, I was walking out of the building as a man was walking in. I had an armload of stuff that I was struggling with and the guy opened the door walked inside and let the door drop leaving me to juggle the bags and UPS folders I was carrying and shove the door back open. Now, I don't expect special treatment because I'm pregnant, but I do expect common courtesy and that would include not dropping a heavy glass door on a pregnant woman carrying a ton of crap. I feel like I should film a PSA about how to have good manners and proper social etiquette. You would think that pregnancy would have mellowed me out. Nope. I feel I have so much less patience and tolerance for bullshit than ever before. AND, my filter is completely broken, so I'm fairly certain that'll come back to hurt me later.

Climate Shock: It's the middle of May and I still have to keep my winter coat out. If I had known all those months ago that I would still be needing a coat at this point...I would have bought that super cute maternity peacoat on sale at Target. I'm kicking myself now. The mornings are brisk...about 45-50 degrees. I still wear a cardigan sweater or long sleeves every single day. The warmest it's been in the last month is 70 degrees...that was today. I still had on a Cardigan. The wind blows constantly, so 70 isn't exactly "warm" as it is "tolerable." I'm wondering where all this hot and humid weather is that New Jersians keep warning me about. Pffft...People in Arkansas have been going to the lake since MARCH. I'm staring at mine wondering if I'll even have to get a swimsuit this year. Everyone who knows me knows that this type of weather is ideal for me...however...I only feel that way after it's been 100 degrees for 3 months straight. I want some Summer, dammit! I only have one pair of Maternity jeans and 2 pairs of maternity pants...everything else is dresses and tights are becoming a no-go. Not to mention, we've got this garden plot in the community garden that we plan on planting tomatoes in and we can't plant yet! We actually got below freezing overnight a couple of weeks ago. We have put absolutely nothing in the ground, nothing in pots...I'm wondering how we're even going to get produce this year. The 15 day forecast is starting to look decent, but as I've will tell you up until the day of that it's going to be sunny and 70 but as soon as that first raindrop falls, it drops down to rainy and 55. *sigh*

I guess I should stop my complaining now, lest you all think I'm completely miserable. I'm not...I'm actually happy. But, these are the observations I've made... the vast differences between my life here and my life back home. Some of the good things I've discovered:

New Jersey Diners. These places are amazing. Extensive menus (including beer...Waffle House...I've been telling you for YEARS that this would're missing out!) their desserts would make you cry just out of sheer appreciation (Baklava cheesecake, anyone?)

Trash to Treasure. Okay, let me explain. When people have furniture or stuff to get rid of, they put it out on their curb and put a sign that says "Free" on it. If it's still there come trash goes on the trash truck...otherwise, it's yours if you want it. I've seen a few amazing pieces that I wish I had stopped for. So, now, I am very observant when I drive down the road.

Small Walmarts. Now...I've often complained about the lack of a Supercenter around here. However, there is much to be said about being able to run in for any basic need without having to hike 5 miles across the store to get to it.

Blueberry Banana Nut oatmeal at McDonalds. Okay, this one is cheating. I know you can get this anywhere, but I just discovered it this morning. It is amazing. I thought you should know. You're welcome in advance.

I think that's about it for this update. Hopefully tomorrow's update will be posted in a timely manner. And, I'll try to make my next story on my life be less bitchy and more entertaining.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

23 Week Update!!

I know, I know, I'm late again. It's just so hard to stay on schedule when it comes to taking pictures for the WHOLE world to see. lol... However, to make up for it...I've given you two. You're welcome. I figured that I should do a shot in a shirt that I've previously worn so you can fully see the evolution of the bump. It's starting to become quite massive, to me at least. The green tank top was featured during Week 17, so you can see just how far I've come in just 6 short weeks. I honestly don't know how I'm going to get much bigger, but it keeps happening. I'm not complaining...just in awe over how much my body has changed in the past few months.

How far along? 23 Weeks!
Total weight gain: 14 pounds as of my 20 week appointment. If I had to guess...I'd say I'm closer to 20 now.
Maternity clothes? Yes...I'm pretty much only wearing maternity pants and dresses these days. It happens.
Stretch marks? Still haven't seen any...
Sleep: I slept an entire night through the other night...but when I woke up, my bladder hurt ALL day. :(
Best Moment this week: Seeing baby moment and weirdest by far.
Miss Anything? Being able to comfortably bend over.
Movement: Yep, and I can SEE the movements now, sometimes, too!
Food cravings: Milk again...and cheeseburgers with ketchup on them. I've NEVER liked ketchup on my burgers.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: Still Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: My belly is HUGE!
Belly Button in or out? Just about completely flat. Not too much longer, I'm sure.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have no idea and as usual, R is dodging the question.
Looking forward to: Meeting my little boy. I know it's still a ways off, but I'm super excited!

I'm ready for a lot of things...I'd still like to hone in on a name...I'd still like to make a dent in the nursery...but I'm one worn out mama. We spent Saturday cleaning and scrubbing the rest of the house. Maybe this weekend, I'll be able to tackle the nursery. I'm hoping to get that knocked out soon so that I can go buy the crib and dresser so I'll have a place to PUT stuff! Here's also hoping that I get my 24 week update out on time. Hey, a girl can dream, can't she??

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Story of a Man

Well, I had planned on giving you guys a Jersey update...however, life...and in this case, death...sometimes has a way of flipping the script.

R's dad passed away yesterday. We knew it was coming, as E had been in bad health for many years, but it still hurts. E, while quiet and reserved, was a larger than life presence. He commanded a sense of reverence when you were around him. Every word he spoke, was said in a deliberate and meaningful manner. This was partly due to the fact that he struggled to speak thanks to his ailments, but even still...E wasn't a man to mince or waste words. When he talked to knew he was sharing something important.

I'll never forget the first time I met him. R and I had been dating almost a year. It was our first Thanksgiving together and his parents drove all the way from Orlando to Little Rock. R was working as a restaurant manager back in those days. I was so incredibly nervous to meet them, so I arrived at R's restaurant and waited at a table near the door. He had told me to look for a "very tall man, with white hair, a beard, and a cane." What I believe he meant to say was "look for the most majestic person in the world to walk through the door." Finally, I saw him. First, a boisterous tanned woman and then...the most majestic person in the world. He walked slowly, relying on his cane to assist him. I hugged R's mom and then, timidly, him. Funny enough, R's mom never intimidated me. But, E...oh yes. Why, I'll never be sure. He was quiet and seemed pensive. I thought maybe he didn't like me. But, I realized soon after that he was just as nervous as I was. Nervous to meet me and excited to see his son for the first time in almost a year. Over the course of that week, I learned much about E. I learned that even though he was quiet, he was wily as hell and hilarious. He loved politics, Budweiser, and Microsoft products. And, he loved kids. Now, earlier, I spoke of his majestic appearance. I say "majestic" because the man was Santa Claus. He looked just like him and even had the red suit. He even spent an entire evening while in town that week at the restaurant playing Santa and taking pictures with the kids. I have to admit...even I had a hard time believing that he wasn't the Jolly Red Giant, himself. I looked at him, starstruck, as my own personal Santa and even bragged to my friends that my possible future father-in-law was Old St. Nick.

E loved our animals, especially Marley. He would sit and play tug of war with Marley for HOURS. Where I usually give up after 5 minutes or so, this guy was tireless...tugging back and forth with a rope or a chew toy saying "Give me thaaat!" :) He had a tremendous amount of patience... He was also very affectionate and sensitive. He made sure that everyone knew how much he loved them. When R and I announced our engagement, he was thrilled and couldn't wait to come back up to Arkansas to celebrate with us. E was the biggest hit of our wedding. All of our friends and family loved him and made sure that he was well taken care of. One of my favorite moments from that night, was the Father/Father dance. My dad and E, dancing together. Two of the most handsome men in tuxes if I may say so. Then there is the dance with my sister-in-law sitting on his lap. He was surely the stud of the night. ;-)

Although E lived in Florida, he was a Yankee through and through...and I always had to chuckle when E would say "I love youse guys." He said it often and he said it heartfelt, but his New Yorker accent always threw me off...partly because he lived in Florida and I didn't realize then that Floridians were the yankees of the South, but also because he was so calm and mild mannered that I just never could make the correlation.

I'm sad that he's gone...I'm sad that our son will never know how much his Grandpa loved him...but, as I said...he was very sick. So, for that reason, I'm glad he is at peace. I am forever grateful to him for having raised such a wonderful man (men...R's brother is pretty great, too) I know this blog really doesn't do E much justice and for that, I apologize. I think to fully explain our love and appreciation for E, would require a book of encyclopedic proportions. So, for now, I leave you with just this little blurb on his life as I knew him and these pictures.

The B Family

Santa and his Elves

Father/Father Dance