Friday, July 5, 2013

The Transformation Proclamation

I'm sitting here, watching the cats stalk birds through the sliding back door. I have just put S to sleep for a nap. It's moments like these that I wish I had the energy to get everything done that needs to be done. But, these quiet moments are rare. I used to require a constant background noise. The TV, the radio, a youtube get the picture. But, these mornings where the sunlight is filtering across my kitchen...I'm content just listening to the birds and the squirrels chirping along outside.

I'm settling into a groove with motherhood. It's only taking me about 10 months. Some days he throws me curve balls but most days, I'm feeling quite competent at this whole "raising a person" thing. Having a baby cage in the living room helps with that. He's simultaneously requiring more and more of my attention and learning to play independently as well. I can set him down in his play yard (aka the baby cage...I don't really stick him in a cage, people!) and he'll play with his toys and crawl around safely out of reach of power strips and surge protectors. But, after a few minutes, he catches me in the corner of his eye and does this...velociraptor/pterodactyl scream to catch my attention. After the ringing stops in my ears and the haze in my vision clears...I'll climb into the "yard" with him. really is like baby prison, isn't it?

I'm still trying to figure out the whole me time/baby time balance, though. I have only blown my hair dry about twice since he was born. I'm able to slap makeup on pretty frequently, but let's be honest does absolutely zero good when you haven't showered in two days and your hair is still knotted up from your last hasty post shower brushing. Or lack thereof. Trust me...I WANT to be a Hottie McHottiepants. But, yeah...unless I have a real honest to God reason to do all's just too much work. Perhaps, that should be a challenge for me. Maybe I'll challenge myself to attempt to fully ready myself every day for a week. A week is do-able, right?

Okay, so let's set some parameters here. Operation NOT A BUM shall commence tomorrow morning. (I figure, we'll start on a weekend day. Let's make it a bit easier on ourselves here.) It will end next Saturday. Each day, I must make myself presentable enough to attend a play date, a job interview, or a date. Meaning, hair and makeup must be done...outfit must be legit. No yoga pants, y'all. Ugggghhhh...and I guess at some point...I should start working out.

If you'll recall from one of the last posts before my long absence...I was being cleared at my 6 week appointment to work out again. Y''s been a long...LONG...Loooooong time since I was cleared and I have not done a single workout. I have lost all of the baby weight POUNDS, thanks to my gallbladder (had to have it out. But, prior to that I had to go on a strict low fat/non fat diet to keep from having horrible spasms) and a bout of rotavirus. (DO NOT GOOGLE THAT!!! You'll be sorry. Trust me on this one.) However, I still have a fair amount of flab that needs to go...somewhere far away. I've come to terms with my stretch marks. It's true what they say...once the baby is here, you don't really mind them as much. That and they're far less noticeable once you don't have 50 pounds of fluid and baby pushing on them. But, the flab...good God, man. It's there and it's proud.

All that being said, maybe this public outing is just what I need to do something with myself. I'll be hunting down blogs with great tutorials to help facilitate this transformation, so suggestions are welcome!!! I do know that I'll be hitting up Kate at The Small Things Blog for her awesome hair tutorials. And, who knows...I might even make some of my own tutorials while I'm getting ready each day. We'll see. Baby steps, y' steps.

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