Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Road to Hell...

...Is paved with good intentions. If that's the case, the Devil owes me some major back taxes. Guys. Not only have I not gotten myself done ONCE since Saturday...I've gotten maybe one shower in that time. S decided this would be a good week/weekend to get a virus and to do some major teething. Both of which had undesirable outcomes in the diaper department. We cloth diaper, so this means that I had a lot of extra dirty work on my hands. Which left very little time for self focus the last few days.

The awesome thing about life is that, God willing, we always have a chance to start again. Maybe...JUST maybe I can get into gear and do this thing now that S is on the upswing. Here's hoping. The thing about having kids is that they tend to call the shots when it comes to scheduling.

Meanwhile, I've fallen down the Pinterest rabbit hole again. You'll recall from previous posts...I looooove Pinterest. But, I'm more apt to have Pinterest Fails than to have things actually go as planned. But, the one thing that surely...SURELY...I can't screw up is organization. We moved out of the Kiebler Elf house a few months ago into a bigger house with a bigger yard. In our first move as actual parents, I grossly underestimated how difficult it would be to unpack and organize the house. So, in between feedings, diaper changes, and all out tantrums, I threw things in closets and attics and basements. We still have a guest room full of unpacked boxes. I hate living in transition. I've been trying to get the house clean so that I can tackle those boxes and get things organized.

In chaotic disarray, I feel chaotic and unsettled. The unfortunate part of cleaning a house that contains animals, a mobile baby, and a that I spend every single day cleaning the kitchen, living room, and main bathroom. I can't get to ANY other part of the house. And, despite doubling our square footage, once again I get the shaft on closet space. Fortunately, our basement is accessible from inside, huge, finished, and contains my washer and dryer. So, it's my makeshift closet. That being said, my laundry has piled up because I have no clothes storage!!! The plans to hang shelving and rods have been discarded so I either live out of laundry baskets or I wash and rewear what little I can fit on my one clothes rack. Yesterday, I scored a free dresser. woot!! It's now in my laundry room while I begin tackling Mount Washmore and hopefully in a few days, I'll have that room squared away.

What does this have to do with Pinterest, you ask? Because I'm drooling over organizational tips and products. And, of course paint colors and renovation projects that I clearly can't do since we rent. I can't wait to buy a house. I may need to get a Frequent Painter's card because I'll probably paint and repaint as my tastes and moods change. Which is every 5 minutes. I've met me right? What else would you expect?

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